The reputation of ghost killing fist is very powerful in the whole underground world.

After all, no matter how to say, the fighting technicians in the underworld are a group of supernatural beings living in the dark.

Although fighting skills have started to develop all over the world, it is only a more advanced technique than Taekwondo. It is impossible to impart profound knowledge.

By doing so, the underworld will naturally let the fighting technicians know more about the world, and can also seek some talented people from all over the world to join the underworld and expand their group.

The name of ghost killing fist, to some extent, is more powerful than Qingming tiger.

Qingming tiger is only in the world of underground killers, known as the king of killers in the secular world.

And if you meet Lee Anze, green tiger is nothing.

The reputation of ghost killing fist is naturally the existence of underground super powers and four stanzas, because many of the people he killed were killed in silence.

That's what he's good at, with a low profile and a sense of pride.

As soon as his voice fell, Li Anze roared. In an instant, he hit eighteen fists.

"Storm, eighteen strikes!"

Shuangquan is like a storm. In a moment, the strong wind is blowing. His fist style is turned into a dark shadow of Taoism. The shadow of China has a kind of white light, flashing a piece of space.

"Boom, boom!"

In an instant, the air was blasted, and the power of ghost killing fist was extremely terrible. His eighteen fists, in a flash, were hit out, triggering the air and producing the sound explosion of the eighteen fists.

As an ordinary person, how could Qin Yinglong bear such a terrible storm fist?

It felt like a gale of force 13, which suddenly hit him, and his whole person was overturned.

Even if Zhu Ning felt the power of the fist, he was just shocked. He was injured. This time, he was swept away.

It's terrible. It's a fist shadow. It's a covering attack of tens of meters. But the force of the gale is enough to cover 200 meters!

It's just like the sound of the air.

Yes, this is the power of ghost killing boxing, which is also the powerful part of the whole pulse of the underworld boxing.

The more powerful the fighting technicians are, the more powerful they are to control the compression of ultimate strength.

Although the power of each blow of ghost killing fist is not as powerful as that of a real cannon, the compression power of each blow is like that of an air cannon, which can shatter a room in an instant.

"It's much better than that man, good to come! Give it to me

Chen Feng also appeared a trace of interest, he called, war halberd is directly stabbed in the past.


For a moment, the whole space was filled with this kind of buzz, and the Shencha's Halberd stabbed in the air, immediately produced a kind of blue ripple.

The blue ripples became bigger and bigger, like ripples, and immediately expanded to 300 meters. It was like a fishing net, and immediately it was closed, covering the past with the shadow of the refined eighteen boxing.

"Boom , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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