On the other hand, Chen Feng has drawn back his own consciousness. The consciousness of a long distance is a very exhausting thing.

In addition, the evil spirit itself is harmful to normal people. Chen Feng's consciousness is also transmitted to Shenda through the ghost of the underworld. It can be imagined that this is not an ordinary matter for Chen Feng's consumption and body erosion.

Therefore, when Chen Feng in the black impermanence help to draw back the idea, Chen Feng the whole person is a bit dizzy.

After a long time, Chen Feng regained his consciousness, and his face recovered some blood color. The whole person took a deep breath and felt some palpitation.

"Sure enough, this kind of long-distance transmission can't be used very often." Chen Feng thought.

The reason why he has some lingering fear is that if he had just delayed even a little more time, Chen Feng would have been unconscious and collapsed.

The so-called fall, is not enough strength to deal with sudden situations, because his consciousness, has been the largest consumption.

Therefore, at that time, it was Chen Feng's all consciousness power when he killed the Da Zhenwu Jue that Li Anze urged.

If ghost kill fist still has a killer mace, or is not killed, then Chen Feng will be in a dangerous situation.

In fact, if not forced, Chen Feng will not resort to the ghost of the underworld to achieve such a degree and effect.

Because this is not only Chen Feng's noumenon, but also the strength can not be 100% play out.

The most important thing is that Chen Feng now knows that such a long-distance transmission of consciousness is not desirable.

But then, his eyes, is slightly a Lin.

"It seems that Yanjing will soon be restless." Chen Feng thought.

Jin GuoZhe was killed by himself. He had expected that people from the underworld would come to him.

I just didn't expect that these guys who are not afraid of death are really not afraid to die to this extent.

If the underworld is such a guy, then, Chen Feng will have a lot of trouble.

What's more, Chen Feng also knows that the association of magicians and Tangmen must be covetous.

However, Chen Feng then thought of an organization. When he thought of this organization, he sneered at himself: "junmen, half of you are responsible for this matter. On the day I go back, I will settle accounts with you."

If you kill GUI Sha Quan, a great master of Zhenwu, the world super power organization will surely be shocked.

When the time comes, the hell will be infuriated, and then the sorcerer guild, Tangmen, or other supernatural organizations will rush in and enter the country of China. Then the peaceful China will definitely be disturbed by these mixed people.

Half of all this is caused by the inaction of the army.

Of course, Chen Feng also knows that killing Li Anze, in a short period of time, because of the impact of this incident, I am afraid that no one will go to Chen Feng to settle accounts in person.

Those of the world's superpowers will only focus more on China.

After all, a great country, with a history of 5000 years, has always been low-key, calm and introverted. Now there is Chen Feng, a world-famous strong man. How can the organization of super talents in the whole world be able to sit still?

Everything is about a balance. No one wants to have a dominant family or a situation beyond the control of others.


And on the other side, at the military internal meeting.


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