Song Yongyuan was extremely angry.

In this case, the government has excluded the investigation of the six gates. Although it is a department of the military, it is only in the establishment. The real six gates is for the official.

"Fortunately, Pang Jingyu and I have friendship. If he reports this incident, you and I can't escape the responsibility!" Song Yongyuan was so angry that he trembled all over.

Although he is angry, but more is a kind of hate iron not steel.

Cai Jun is like his younger brother. The latter is silent and has no way to refute it.

After a long time, Cai Jun seemed to have made a big decision and said in a deep voice: "this is indeed my mistake. I should not connect personal gratitude and resentment with people's comfort. It is my problem."

Another middle-aged man was silent for a long time and said: "even if the six doors and gates Department conceals the matter and does not report it to the public, a team will be set up to investigate the responsibility. At that time, the relevant people will be interrogated internally..."

Without waiting for the man to speak, Cai Jun took the message and said in a righteous way: "one should do what one should do. This is an order given by me and should not be undertaken by my department. I will resign from my present post and quit the army."

Song Yongyuan's eyes flashed a little surprised, while Shen Guotao's side, his eyes seemed to succeed, but it was also a flash away.

Song Yongyuan said in a deep voice: "I want you to admit that I am not asking you to resign. I want you to realize the seriousness of this matter and see what can be made up for it."

Cai Jun shook his head and said: "this matter must need a person to come out, that person can only be me, I can't implicate my subordinates, also can't implicate you."

Song Yong and Yuan Bo angrily said, "since you call me chief of staff, this is my decision. I will naturally tell you about it. It's a matter of my poor supervision, and I'm also responsible. "

Who knows, Cai Jun's original resolute face, suddenly showed a kind of tired color.

This tired color seems to be because he has taken on too many responsibilities and missions, which makes him feel relieved at this moment.

"Brother yuan, listen to me."

Cai Jun never showed such a relaxed look, and said: "my grandfather began to be called the God of the army, and then my father became the top leader of the army gate. From small to large, I had a heavy burden on my body. I was afraid that I could not surpass them. I was afraid that I could not become their height. Therefore, I always concentrated on my own cultivation, but until I found out that I was the highest leader of the army I can't reach that level of talent. "

"Maybe that's how it affects the progress of my strength. I'm too tired to be myself at all. Because of this, I'm not open-minded enough. I'm occupied by personal gratitude and resentment. I've made some wrong decisions and put the army under such pressure. This is my problem, so I decided to quit. "

Song Yongyuan was moved. He never imagined that Cai Jun, such a resolute man, would say such a thing. This is totally beyond his imagination.

Such a person who would not wrinkle his head even if he was shot through his body did not expect to bear so much pressure in his heart.

"Do you really think about it?" Song Yongyuan took a deep breath and asked slowly.

As soon as you enter the army, you are doomed to serve the country. Although you can get a lot, you will also sacrifice a lot.

Cai Jun nodded: "yes, from now on, I will no longer belong to the army." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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