Chen Feng's eyes narrowed slightly.

There are too many names about shaohefeng.

One of the three great masters of Wan Island, since it is said to be the three great masters, is it possible that it is the master of the earth and the master of heaven?

Naturally, the answer is No. shaohefeng is absolutely the master of Zhenwu.

Although Wan island is just an island, shaohefeng is a great master of the overseas youth gang. He became famous when he was young. No one knows about it.

This man revenged for his first and second disciples with a posture of life and death.

The most important thing is that Chen Feng doesn't know when shaohefeng will come.

"Chen Feng, I think you'd better not go there. Shaohefeng is not an ordinary master of Zhenwu. I heard that his breakthrough has already condensed three chakras. "

"What do you mean?" Chen Feng asked.

Master Zhenwu is only a general realm, which he still knows.

However, he didn't have a deep understanding of martial arts, because he had already turned to practice Taoism when he practiced the doctrine of emptiness and syncretism.

He only knows that in the martial arts world, it has always been said that the master is like a tiger who kills without leaving a mark.

Zhenwu is like a dragon, coming and going without a trace.

Just as the grand master has the realm of human, earth and heaven, master Zhenwu certainly has it.

Zhu Ning solemnly said: "the so-called chakra is actually a sign of the strength of Zhenwu master. It is said that Zhenwu master has nine small levels, known as the nine chakras. Without cohesion or opening a chakra, martial arts will be upgraded to a higher level. According to the ranking of intelligence organizations in China, Li Anze, the last ghost killing fist, is only one chakra at most. "

Chen Feng ponders. The first village he killed is also the degree of Zhenwu master. He has compared Li Anze's strength with that of chuizhun. This village is only better than Li Anze, but not too much.

Maybe it's the so-called second chakra.

Zhu Ning added solemnly, "don't underestimate the difference between each chakra. It seems that the gap is not very big. This is not the difference between each chakra who wants to create chemical realm weapons. Every additional chakra of master Zhenwu grows in geometric strength. "

Don't know how, Chen Feng heart suddenly some excited, blood is burning.

"Isn't it a good opportunity, then?"

Only after he knew that fighting was the best way to enhance his strength, Chen Feng's fighting spirit was ignited.

Moreover, his strength is constantly increasing. Naturally, he needs to learn from others to prove his strength. Otherwise, how can he know what level he has reached?

Zhu Ning was startled and said, "I know that if you control Shencha remotely, your spirit must be consumed a lot. The cultivator is very particular about the soul, and your spiritual consciousness has not recovered. Shaohefeng doesn't know when to come. If he comes in a week, you won't recover for a week? "

Zhu Ning followed Chen Feng a lot and learned a lot about the cultivation of truth. Moreover, Zhu Ning was the person Chen Feng trusted most. Naturally, Zhu Ning would know the specific state of Chen Feng.

"Don't worry. I won't fight without a certain degree of recovery. You always help me to keep an eye on shaohefeng's trend. If you have anything to tell me, you can also help me watch the trend of Yanjing. When the storm comes, I'll think about returning home. "

Then Chen Feng is asked Zhu Ning some of the injuries, and then told him where to put some healing medicine, and told a thing, it is hung up the phone.

Just at this time, a voice sounded outside the door. It was a hundred places and thousands of summers.

Immediately, Chen Feng heard a timid voice --

"brother Feng, I heard you talking on the phone. You wake up, aren't you? I I want to ask you something , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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