It's a small wedding site.

It's very big. There are many delicious food and wine all over the world. There are dozens of tables in the whole banquet hall. It's enough to think that this modern engagement is really huge enough.

Moreover, not only young men and women came in, but also many upper class people in suits or kimonos.

After a while, Baidi qianxia seemed to see her classmates, many people waved to her.

"That's my friend."

Hundred thousand summer see familiar people, appear very warm, not so timid, with Chen Feng is to walk in the past.

There were seven or eight men and women at that table, all of whom were friends.

But her friends were surprised to see Chen Feng.

In order not to let Baidi qianxia embarrassed, the fare can specially let Baidi Shangye borrow a suit to go out, but his appearance, and the local people are still a little surprised.

"Qianxia, is this? Your boyfriend? " A girl holds the hand of Baidi qianxia, her eyes curiously aim at Chen Feng.

To tell you the truth, Chen Feng is not very handsome, but a little elegant and elegant, or very readable, just his face, let a hundred thousand summer friends seem a little strange.

However, it can be seen at a glance that Chen Feng is not their people.

Just now the girl asked Baidi qianxia in Japanese. Baidi qianxia's face turned red, and she took a glance at Chen Feng. The latter's face was expressionless and motionless. Baidi qianxia's eyes were a little happy, but her mouth still said, "don't talk nonsense. He is my brother's friend."

"Is it?" The girl said in a low, smiling voice, "it's not like you. You must like him, right?"

"Don't talk nonsense. It's not." Baidi qianxia's face is even redder.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

All the friends in a hundred places and thousands of summer are laughing.

It can be seen that their relationship with Baidi qianxia is still good, and Baidi qianxia looks at Chen Feng intentionally or unintentionally. His eyes are full of joy.

The so-called women for the face of the people they like will blush in front of the people they like.

In fact, Chen Feng learned the Oriental Language in a few days, but didn't know it.

What they said made fun of Baidi qianxia. Chen Feng listened to them, but he didn't understand anything.

Chen Feng accompanies Baidi qianxia, but also in order not to let Baidi qianxia down.

Naturally, he did not have any emotion to Baidi qianxia. He was simply a kind of elder brother's love for his sister.

If it was not for this, Chen Feng would not have wasted time here.

After Chen Feng sat down, Baidi qianxia's friends began to discuss.

"What a surprise! Didn't Lizi go to university in China? It seems that I graduated this year? How can you say that you are engaged when you come back? " A male friend was puzzled and asked.

"I don't know. It's really sudden! However, I heard that this was Lizi's family marriage, which was confirmed very early. Because of this, she quarreled with her family and then went to China to study. "

"But anyway, Lizzie is engaged. We should be happy! She's the first one between us. "

A group of friends just laughed and discussed.

Chen Feng's heart is slightly moved, as if there was any time to know the same.

But he shook his head.

At this time, the door began to be lively.

"Look, that's Lizzie's fiance, isn't it?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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