When it comes to Hongmen, uncle Cen takes a cold breath.

When it comes to power, Hongmen must be even bigger. It is a super giant stationed overseas. There are many practitioners of martial arts and Taoism, and there are many super capable people.

However, Hongmen and China have a lot of historical origins, and they are called zhigongtang in China. It can be imagined that this huge object will not be easily provoked by China.

Therefore, the military gate, martial arts and Taoism, relative to the more afraid or Hongmen.

Although Hongmen has its own position in China, it is precisely because of historical reasons that China is afraid of its own people against its own people.

"Hongmen's power is distributed all over the world. As long as there are Chinese, there is Hongmen. If they really want to unite, they may not be able to compete with the martial arts world. "

Cai Jun snorted coldly and said: "Uncle Cen, you don't know the character of those guys in the martial arts world. They won't appear until they are alive and dead. As in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty, if it had not been for foreign invasion, those guys would have gone back to seclusion and traveled. "

Uncle Cen sighed and said: "at that time, if the country was not on the verge of extinction, those people would not have done it. What began to appear, at most, was the younger generation in the martial arts world, and it could not become a climate. "

Uncle Cen turned his voice and said, "Hongmen is still good. He has friendship with the martial arts circle and even the officials. They won't mess around. It's just that over the years, the youth gang seems to be more and more restless. "

Cai Jun nodded slightly and said, "so, this time shaohefeng is going out of the pass to challenge Chen Feng. I'd like shaohefeng to be killed, but..."

Uncle Cen also nodded.

They have already retired and have no more resentment towards Chen Feng.

And now they can be more neutral.

As they said just now, if shaohefeng succeeds, the Qingbang will have a chance to invade China, and the country will be more chaotic. At that time, the super capable organizations around the world will take the opportunity to carve up China. This is very dangerous.

Anyway, they are not from the military, but they are also Chinese!

No matter how much Cai Jun doesn't like Chen Feng, he also hopes that Chen Feng can win. For nothing else, he hopes that his country will not be disturbed.

But it's really hard.

"Shao Hefeng became famous when he was young. Although he was not the strongest among the three martial arts masters, I heard that he worshipped the leader of the Green Gang." When Uncle Cen said this, he could not help but take a breath.

Cai Jun's pupils shrank slightly and said in a deep voice, "I heard my father say this. The leader of the Green Gang is 70-80 years old, and the dragon can see the head but not the end. It is said that his realm has already broken through the realm of Zhenwu. "

"Yes, he was shut up for ten years. Almost disappeared. It is said that he had to break through the realm of Zhenwu before he closed down. But ten years ago, he was the first master of Wan island. His strength was very strong. He had already reached the ninth chakra of Zhenwu. Ten years later, even if he made a breakthrough, it might not be possible. "

At the thought of the existence of such a God, cen Shu and Cai Jun couldn't help but take a breath.

"Uncle Cen, we will leave for the East China Sea in two days. It's such a big deal that maybe we can meet a lot of people of my uncle's generation. " Cai Jun immediately said, his eyes are dignified.

Uncle Cen also nodded his approval.

This war has long spread throughout the whole country of China. It can be said that it was a great sensation.

Moreover, they believe that wudaojie, like them, wants shaohefeng to be killed.

But they also know that it may be impossible.


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