As a matter of fact, Chen Feng's method of awakening with spiritual power and his own consciousness is also a kind of Daoism in Guigu.

It's a way of trying to pull people back to reality from those who have lost their senses and are possessed by demons.

However, this method has limitations, that is, the degree of being possessed is not deep.

After all, in the practice of Taoism, because of the eagerness of mind, or some kind of wrong way, you will be possessed by the devil. In this case, it is natural that human consciousness does not want to.

Since it is not willing, subconsciously will resist.

And Chen Feng guessed one thing from the mouth of Baidi Shangye, that is, Baidi qianxia, he didn't know that he had this power in his body. In this case, it was absolutely impossible to have the consciousness of resistance.

Just imagine, this kind of power is so terrible, and it still appears in my body inexplicably. When I was young, if I told Baidi qianxia, would Baidi qianxia accept it?

The answer is No.

A girl's childhood should be happy and happy. If this kind of thing is told to her, it will cause great burden and shadow in her childhood growth.

Therefore, because of this, Baidi qianxia will be held in the palm of their hands as a treasure, even if they are afraid of being scratched.

It is because of this, a hundred thousand summer will have this shy, timid character.

To a certain extent, this is inevitable, but it is also the best way to protect a hundred places and thousands of summer.

Therefore, there is no resistance in the subconscious of a hundred places and thousands of summer. Naturally, it will be controlled and dominated by this force, which is inevitable.

Therefore, when Chen Feng tried to awaken the normal human consciousness of Baidi qianxia by means of consciousness transmission, he actually had a kind of mentality of trying, but he didn't hold much hope.

What he looked like now, as expected, confirmed what he thought in his heart.

Chen Feng sighed because the only way he could think of was to seal it.

Only by sealing again can we suppress this force completely.

At this time, the green energy of Baidi qianxia's body rose several meters high again, and Baidi qianxia's hair was flying, and the whole person became more like a beast.

Especially that kind of fierce to the extreme breath, it is like to treat everyone to that kind of the most primitive wild animals fight for the wilderness.

"How could it be?" Morino was shocked.

Xiren took a deep breath and solemnly said: "this method of awakening and sealing will stimulate the strength of qianxia's sister every time it fails. So if she doesn't succeed, it will only make her strength stronger and stronger. "

Such a situation is unacceptable to Kuroshio.

"Be careful!" At this moment, baidituo suddenly exclaimed.

All over the place, thousands of summer's body shape unfolded and turned into a green shadow. It was just like thunder. It was directly towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng has already had the psychological preparation, but also is still slow half clap, he has only one hand deep.


Chen Feng's hand just touched the head of Baidi qianxia, and his body shape was directly impacted and pushed back.


Chen Feng pressed the head of Baidi qianxia, and his body was forced back by a huge impact force, which directly forced Chen Feng to smash the wall behind him.

"Chen Feng!"

At this time, Chen Feng's voice sounded in the ruins of the wall --

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