As an elder, Aura's seniority is naturally not comparable to the two.

Alan said coldly, "West, you are here too. Are you afraid that China will detain you and not let you go?"

West, the well-proportioned young man, was a member of the Garou line.

West chuckled and said, "you can come. Why can't we? And I'm curious, isn't Brooke killed? Why do you have the leisure to watch the war here? "

Aurra's face suddenly sank, and Alan said angrily, "what do you want to say, West?"

West took a look at Ola. He felt a strong fluctuation in her body. He laughed and said nothing.

Brooke is a student of Ola. His death is a great loss to the sorcerer guild.

And West also played with Brooke and knew that this man was really not easy.

Now that a genius of the sorcerer guild has died, he is naturally happy. This is certainly a good thing for the overall strength of their dark alliance.

Of course, they are not afraid of Ola. If they work together, they can fight with Ola.

Allen couldn't get angry. After all, his companion had been killed and was teased so much. He said coldly, "I heard that the green tiger has a little blood of your dark alliance. He was also killed."

When it comes to the green tiger, West and the tall man next to him raise their eyebrows.

"The green tiger's grandfather is a member of our dark alliance, but he has only a little bit of crazy blood. Strictly speaking, we don't know him and have nothing to do with him."

West said so, but not in his heart.

The green tiger has a little relationship with their dark alliance, but not much.

However, it is precisely because Qingming tiger has been killed that they want to know what kind of existence the man named Chen Feng who killed Qingming tiger is, including their entire Dark Alliance.

After all, even the crazy green tiger can be killed, and this power is extraordinary.

In their bones, they think that their crazy power is always the strongest. However, according to the information they have received, Qingming tiger was killed in three or two moves, which is really beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Now, they don't care about Qingming tiger for a while. What they care about is that shaohefeng, famous in three places on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, comes to China to challenge master Chen, who is also open to the whole world. Of course, they want to see such a lively scene.

And on the side of intelligence agents, the hamster brothers are also there.

"Boss, there was a boy named Chen Feng in Yanjing before. Now there is another master Chen. Is our country too chaotic?" Murmured the second hamster.

"In troubled times! For no reason, a martial arts genius appeared, which offended so many organizations. Now the East China Sea is not very stable here. The people of the Green Gang want to enter the mainland. Some time ago, someone saw that the people from Hongmen also came to Yanjing, but they left soon. " Said the boss.

The second and the third take a breath. Yanjing has really become a lively place!

The second glanced at some people on the bank and solemnly said, "Sana'a wave mechanic of Hades, aura of the sorcerer guild, and werewolves and bears of the Dark Alliance, they are all here."

"Do you see, there are many martial arts masters there. These masters are at the level of Zhenwu master. I heard that the immortal elder in Tianshui City has appeared." Old three eyes to one side, immediately is a deep breath.

Even the boss could not help holding his breath, his eyes twinkled, and said, "I also received the news that the master of the sun family in northern Hebei Province has come too!"

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