See Sun Bin, Guo family people have moved, old Guo is also full of gratification, way: "originally is Sun Bin, do not salute."

"Is old Guo all right?" Sun Bin changed his arrogance and looked respectful.

Old Guo waved his hand and sighed, "when I'm old, I can only fight and keep fit. I don't care about the rest."

"How is your grandfather? "Mr. Guo asked.

"My grandfather is in good health. He is looking for a breakthrough recently. Old Guo has a heart." Sun Bin said with a smile.

It has to be said that although people who practice martial arts can give people the feeling of being five big and three rough, it is undeniable that the disciples of aristocratic families can not be compared with ordinary people in terms of etiquette, temperament and recuperation.

"Ah, Lao sun is more talented than me and younger than me. Maybe he is looking for a breakthrough in the five chakras now?" Old Guo exclaimed.

Zhenwu five chakras!

This time, people from Guo's family immediately burst into a pot.

To the realm of master Zhenwu, every time you open a chakra, your strength will be doubled.

But the difficulty that follows, also presents geometry multiplication.

No one knows better than them how much the difference is between one chakra and two chakras.

No one knows more than them how terrible it is to reach the five chakras of Zhenwu.

"Don't say that, old Guo. I was also instructed by him when I was a child. If it wasn't for him, I couldn't have reached the level of three chakras by one step." Sun Bin bowed his head.

This seems modest, but anyone can hear it. Sun Bin said it with a proud tone.

Guo's side, the whole body was shocked again.

Sun Bin is about to reach the realm of Zhenwu three chakras!

Isn't that similar to the legendary shaohefeng?

These are the top ten martial arts talents in the martial arts world! This person's realm is even more powerful than Hua Wenxuan!

These news, which fell into the ears of those intelligence organization personnel, shocked them on the spot.

They have been in China for a long time, and naturally they should be proficient in Chinese. Therefore, the three chakras and the five chakras, these strong words, are just like the brands carved with blood, so they can't forget them and firmly remember them.

"China is indeed the place with the largest number of superpowers in the world! These guys, aren't they? How old is that? "

"It's terrible. The top ten martial arts talents in China have very little information about them. They only know that they have reached the level of master Zhenwu. Unexpectedly, the first genius of Sun family in northern Hebei Province is so powerful."

"This boy must be passed back. If he is given time to grow up, China will have another super strong."

The minds of these intelligence personnel were spinning rapidly, and they were all working on their own calculations.

Young people, are with a kind of courage, Guo old life, but also do not care.

Although Sun Bin's words are polite, it is undeniable that his talent is really terrible.

Moreover, the Guo family and sun Jiasu have made friends since the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Sun Bin's grandfather and Guo are also very good friends.

Guo Lao waved his hand and suddenly asked, "last time I had an apprentice, I went to visit your martial arts school, but I heard that you were closed at that time? Is something going on? "

At the mention of this matter, the sun family and his party all looked a little ugly, but Sun Bin shook his head and said, "it's just a disciple of a side school. It seems that he provoked a martial arts expert from Yanjing and was abandoned. The man, we're still looking for it. These side disciples can't control their lives if they don't settle down and compete with each other. "

That is to say, but that incident still had a great impact on their sun family, which made many people in northern Hebei Province shake their trust in their sun family martial arts school.

Sun Bin knew at that time that the person who abolished Sun Zhen was very young. If he had a chance, he would certainly challenge that person.

At this time, in the distance of the sea, under the shadow of the moon, a dark shadow slowly came over.

Old Guo and Sun Bin looked at each other in a cool look, as if they could overlook a kilometer away.

"Here he is." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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