It was Cai Jun who asked about this.

Cai Jun and Cen Shui have been here for a long time, but they are already outsiders. They just come to see the excitement.

"I contacted our old friends in Toyo before. I heard that Chen Feng had left Toyo. What he called his private plane back was that he could arrive almost in time without any accident." Uncle Cen said.

Cai Jun's former subordinates met Chen Feng in Toyo, and then it was reported that Nakamura was killed on the top of Mount Fuji.

The news from all over the world is repaying this incident, but it is suppressed by a force in an instant.

This force, of course, is that organizations from all over the world are working together to suppress this news.

After all, Superman is in the dark, everywhere consensus, can not appear in front of ordinary people's sight.

But Cai Jun still knew the news through various channels, and sent people to track Chen Feng's trail, so they were able to control Chen Feng's route.

Cai Jun stares at the figure in the distance, and his eyes flash a startling chill.

"I feel shaohefeng's killing opportunity. It seems that shaohefeng is determined to get it."

No one knows that Cai Jun is here, but if someone knows that Cai Jun is in the front of the army, I'm afraid even Guo Lao will be surprised.

Cai Jun's grandfather is the God of the army. He has great strength. Even shaohefeng is not his opponent.

It's just that he doesn't care about these things in the world. Cai Jun is at most a spectator.

This time, he was thinking about the internal safety of China, so he came.

After he left the army, his accomplishments improved to a certain extent. He felt the solidification of the air. Although he was hundreds of meters away from shaohefeng in the middle of the sea, it still did not hinder Cai Jun's sense of breath.

At this time, Cai Jun's eyes were awe inspiring. He could not help looking in the dark. He snorted coldly and said, "they have come too."

Not far away from them, there was also a figure. In his eyes, there was still some amazing light flashing by. Shen Guotao, the top leader of the military gate, had the greatest prestige.

At Shen Guotao's side, he is a powerful subordinate.

"Here comes the general." One of his subordinates also obviously found Cai Jun's figure.

Shen Guotao took back his eyes and calmly said, "it's just a dog who has lost his family. It's not worth mentioning."

"This time, the leader specially asked us to let in, so that all the superpowers from all over the world can come in. Although it's the pressure from the martial arts world, I'm afraid I can't stand it after the event." One of the subordinates said anxiously.

When Cai Jun left, they had the most prestige and strength. The task of guarding Yanjing naturally and comforting all over the country fell on them.

However, the authorities specially let these super powers come in and open the door of the country. Although they said that they supported this "master Chen", they were afraid that these super powers would be restless, and they would be bored.

Who knows, Shen Guotao but light tunnel: "chaos by him disorderly.". Anyway, we're just following orders. "

His subordinates were stunned.

Shen Guotao's words made them want to be out of the way, indifferent and even irrelevant to themselves.

This makes them puzzled. According to the truth, Shen Guotao should pay more attention to it?

Naturally, they did not know what Shen Guotao was thinking. Shen Guotao said faintly: "let's watch them fight quietly, and we'll talk about the others afterwards."

Then, he narrowed his eyes and said, "what's more, the superior said that he had a special eye on master Chen. I also want to see what kind of sacredness this is."

After waiting for an hour, all of a sudden, in the distance, there is a ship from another direction across.

And this is, Shao Hefeng eyes suddenly a, like stars like, burst out pieces of fine light.

"Master Chen, you have come to die at last!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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