What people didn't expect is that shaohefeng was so terrible.

But, Chen Feng listen, it is calm way: "shaohefeng, I respect you are the elder, so, I will let you die a worthy death."

Chen Feng's words, let the audience again a tremor, if according to the seniority, Chen Feng this is simply treacherous ah!

They thought, this young master Chen, his tone is really not so big!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Shaohefeng was not angry but laughed. He laughed three times, just like the sound of a Hong Zhong, shaking out on the whole sea.

"I haven't met such a crazy person as you when I have been on Hefeng crisscross island for decades. Today, I will try my best not only to avenge my disciples, but also to establish a reputation for shaohefeng."

As soon as the voice fell, Shao Hefeng's arms shook. In fact, the whole person rose sharply. The water surface suddenly exploded, and the water spray rose several meters behind him.

His eyes were cold, like a blade in the cold wind. He said in a cold voice: "however, if you insult shaohefeng, I will kill you! Take your life! "

" boom! "

As soon as the voice fell, Shao Hefeng stepped on the sea with a shock, and the whole person rushed towards Chen Feng.

When he was so shocked, people on the whole coast felt a kind of shock, and the whole audience was shocked.

You know, it's so far away, but the strength of shaohefeng is so deep that it can be transmitted to the coast through the sea water. Is this kind of deep internal force that ordinary people can do?

Shaohefeng is like an arrow from the bow. It's a distance of tens of meters. It's just the length of an instant.

On the sea surface, he pulled out a long dozens of meters of white water mark, the water mark actually divided the waves on both sides.

Chen Feng came by boat. Shaohefeng's momentum was very strong. Chen Feng, like a swallow, floated behind him. With the sound of "bang", the boat immediately turned into pieces.

However, shaohefeng's offensive was extremely strong, and there was no concession at all.

When Chen Feng landed steadily on the sea, shaohefeng's had already dashed over, and Chen Feng's arms crossed in front of his chest.


Chen Feng was immediately shaken back by hundreds of meters, the same is dragging out a long scratch on the sea.

"Master Chen, you are really strong." Shaohefeng's impact, just let Chen Feng back hundreds of meters, the other did not let the other side hurt, which let him very unexpected.

But Shao Hefeng did not really display his strength, he sneered: "master Chen, be careful."

Holding it with a fist, in an instant, countless water vapor condenses on his fist. The fist is getting bigger and bigger. His feet are on the water, and the whole person is like swallows copying the water, and once again it is skimming over.


His fist is waving out, and the space is full of a kind of vibration. The surging air fist blows out, which has the posture of pancreas soaring into the sky.

Even from a distance, shaohefeng's boxing is still a shock.

"He is much better than before." Old Guo exclaimed.

As the saying goes, the layman looks at the hot spot, and the expert looks at the door. Shao Hefeng has surpassed many people of the same level.

"Master Chen, this blow will avenge my two dead disciples!"

Shaohefeng's murderous spirit soars, and his voice reveals a arrogant attitude inside.

"Meteors strike the moon!"

Chen Feng also has no nonsense, one punch hits.


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