Along with this thunder like sound, for a moment, the whole audience was shocked.

Among them, Guo Lao, Cai Jun, cen Shu, Shen Guotao, these great masters of China, suddenly felt a familiar voice.

After a while, a figure came from afar, like an arrow from the bow, and then arrived at the shore, and then rushed into the battle circle.

See this figure, Chen Feng stopped the action on the hand, and shaohefeng, is Zheng next.

"Deshan, are you here?"

"Hefeng, you are fighting here. How can I not come?"

The middle-aged man stood in the middle of the water. His whole face was indomitable. His face was full of pride.

Seeing the familiar voice, the body, and the voice of surprise in shaohefeng's mouth, for a moment, the hamster three brothers exclaimed.

"Deshan, Deshan, he is huadeshan! The leader of the Hua family, the strongest one in Nanshan


This heavyweight, like a deep-water bomb, ignited the emotions of the audience.

Mount ward! This is a giant of the southern martial arts circle and the first master of the Chinese family!

This southern martial arts expert, unexpectedly also came to the East China Sea here!

This time, whether it was Shen Guotao, a senior military official, or a member of a foreign super talent organization, or Guo Lao, a respected martial arts master in Tianshui City, all of them were shocked.

"I didn't expect mount ward to come too. It seems that this war has really begun!" Old Guo couldn't help exclaiming.

The martial arts circle of China has not been so lively for a long time.

A shaohefeng has attracted the hearts of super capable organizations all over the world. Now there is another huadeshan, who is also the head of the Hua family!

Isn't this going to shake the whole kingdom of China's martial arts and Taoism?

"I heard that huadeshan and shaohefeng have a very good relationship. They are brothers and have similar strength."

"Well, it seems that they had a World War I agreement many years ago. Shao Hefeng went out of the pass and came to China to challenge master Chen. Hua De Shan must have known about it. Maybe he came to see the excitement. He didn't expect that..."

Those foreign superpowers suddenly have a good look in their eyes.

The appearance of Huade mountain is definitely on the side of shaohefeng.

Shaohefeng was defeated by master Chen, which was not only unexpected to all of his people, but also to the expectation of Huade mountain. Therefore, Huade mountain stood up.

"Young master, the strength of huadeshan and shaohefeng is equal, but the Hua family has the power of blood and secret methods. In sum, huadeshan may be even stronger than shaohefeng." Uncle Cen said analytically.

Cai Jun's eyes were awe inspiring and said, "you are right. I met Hua Deshan a few years ago. His secret blood power is stronger than Hua Yuan. I don't know how many times. "


Uncle Cen seemed to think of something and said, "does Huade mountain know that master Chen is Chen Feng? After all, Hua Yuan is his son. Will he go out of his way to seek revenge? "

Cai Jun shook his head and said, "I don't know. Only we know the identity of Chen Feng. Of course, other people only associate these two people at most. Let's not say whether huadeshan is coming to revenge. Now the problem is that Chen Feng wants to solve it like this. "

There's a Waldorf hill, and it's going to get bigger and bigger.

The two great martial arts masters of China have gathered together. How can this be a war that can be easily calmed down?

"You are master Chen?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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