When this sound outside the gate, the whole Feng family was shocked.

Especially Feng Jinxia and Feng Wenxuan were surprised.


The gate is suddenly split, into countless pieces, at this time, a young figure is slowly walking in.

Seeing this figure, all the Feng family stood up.

When Feng Wenxuan saw this man, his eyes flashed with a cold look, and Feng Jinxia was even more furious: "what about security? Where did the security guard die? How could someone have come in? "

"Chen Feng Feng Wenxuan stares at the young man and says coldly.

Yes, the one who broke in suddenly was Chen Feng.

Soon, there were seven or eight black clothes at the door, and I immediately pointed my black muzzle at Chen Feng.

At this time, a figure suddenly ran to Feng Jinxia and Feng Wenxuan, and he was the man who appeared in the underground garage.

When the man saw Chen Feng, his eyes flashed a shock.

The gate just now is made of special bulletproof aluminum alloy. Even if the bullet can't be shot, this boy can break the gate!

The most important thing is, when he came in, the bodyguards outside the door could not see it?

At this moment, he suddenly thought of that strange breath in the parking garage that day. This boy is not an ordinary man!

"Mr. Feng, let others leave first." Said the man in a deep voice.

The man around him has not been so dignified for a long time. This time, Feng Jinxia and his son immediately guessed a lot of things.

Chen Feng carried his hands and walked forward step by step with a calm face.

"Don't move! Move again and we'll shoot! "

The deep bodyguards immediately said coldly that the gun had been loaded.

Feng Jinxia has been in the business world for so many years. Naturally, he has seen many people who are so powerful and powerful with their actions.

But this young man, in the face of their deep eight guns, can be indifferent, which is really surprised him.

Either this person is not afraid of death, or he has a certain ability.

Chen Feng did not speak, still moving forward.


In any case, Feng Jinxia is the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River. He was intruded into his own house without permission. How could he tolerate it?

At his command, for a moment, the eight bodyguards did not hesitate to shoot.

"Bang bang bang!"

Chen Fengtou also did not return, but at the moment, he did not even avoid, the bullets actually all hit him.

But if you take a closer look, you can see that Chen Feng's body surface, even some weak light mask floating.

"Keng Keng Keng!"

Bullets, all fell to the ground, the eight bodyguards were stunned in situ.

"How could..."

Even if the body is wearing bulletproof vests, by that time, eight bullets hit the body, the other side actually did not move!

This time, even the pupil of Feng Jinxia and Feng Wenxuan shrinks, and the man's face changes greatly.

"Body anti bullet, flesh body anti bullet! You are master Zhenwu The man exclaimed.

The master is like a tiger. He kills without leaving a mark. He is talking about the master of three realms. But even the master of Tianjing can only avoid bullets and resist bullets. That's the degree of master Zhenwu!

Who is Feng Jinxia? Jiangnan down payment is an alligator in the underground world. What he knows is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary people.

When he heard of master Zhenwu, he was stunned at the same place. Such a young master Zhenwu? How is that possible?

"If you don't want to die, you can go away. I can kill you with the bullet just now."

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