Luo Zhenyang sighed and said: "Xiaoqi, although Huade mountain is not as old as the older generation, it still exists in the south, even in Nanshan province. His position, however, is to frighten the three places on both sides of the Taiwan Straits in the South and plays a role in the economic, power and military strategic position of the south. "

"What about the Yan Family in the south? The southern military region is headed by the Yan family, with four generations and three generations as the army. Although Huade mountain is dead, there is still Yan family, and the Yan family is close to the army gate. Compared with those super capable people who are ready to move, won't they act rashly? " Asked Luo Qi.

"You are wrong."

Luo Zhenyang shook his head and denied: "some time ago, the incident of the northern Tang clan branch hall has become a mess. The junmen and the six gates mainly guard Yanjing. In addition, the high-level change of the military gate has weakened the power. Since the Republic of China, the South has not been assured by the government, and the supervision is also the most powerful. Therefore, although huadeshan only covers the sky in the south, the government will only let him do it. Do you know why? "

Luo Qi pondered for a while, Bing Xue said cleverly, "it's because Huaxia wants to test Huade mountain to be a powerful force."

"Not bad."

"The Chinese family is rich, and there has been a saying since ancient times that the old man Hua was the most outstanding figure in Nanquan. Even in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, he was also well-known. When it came to Hua Wenxuan's generation, he was more talented. Although he was not as deep as Huade mountain, he had a deep eye on the garden road and acted skillfully. His strength was weaker than that of Sun Bin You, but this son is like the tiger that continues. In time, it will take off. "

Luo Zhenyang's words not only thoroughly analyzed the history and current situation of the south, but also explored people's temperament and potential. His words showed a kind of venomous vision.

Luo Qi immediately pondered.

Sun Bin is the first genius of Taijiquan in northern Hebei Province and one of the top ten martial arts talents.

However, the sun family is well-known and has official preferential treatment. After all, the founder of the sun family is a hero of the people, but also the legendary existence of force and heaven. Therefore, the sun family sits on one side and follows the rules. It never involves the secular realm and concentrates on teaching. This is similar to the Luo family.

"Dad, do you mean that Huade mountain is killed, the army gate and the six gate gates are too busy to do anything about themselves. The martial arts and Taoism circles in the South will be in chaos, and South China and East China are in the same boat. In time, it will easily affect us?" Luo Qi points out the key to the problem.

Luo Zhenyang solemnly said: "exactly. Since the Republic of China, the martial arts circles in the South have been weak, and the economy has taken off. This is a piece of sweet cake, and countless super capable organizations want to possess it. In the modern world, although the super powers are in the world, they still have an agreement that they can't get involved in the secular world. However, we have always been based on the secular world. In this way, the real world is the root of their fight

Just like the military gate, no matter how powerful the military power is, can it be divorced from the government and the state?

The answer is No.

Take the sorcerer guild as an example. The sorcerer guild is the secret armed force of Britain. The mage guild takes protecting the country as the important task. This is the most fundamental national blood of the supernatural organization.

Who doesn't want to annex all countries in the world, who doesn't want to have a dominant family, and who doesn't want to occupy more territory?

In particular, those organizations of super capable people who have long had a crooked mind are thinking about it day and night and are eager to act as soon as possible.

However, there is no way. The world super power organization has long had an unwritten regulation that it can not easily appear in the secular world, otherwise it will cause world panic.

Luo Zhenyang is the first person of Wudao in Jiangnan Province, but he is concerned about the country and various places, which makes him look worried.

"Who is master Chen? If it wasn't for him, Dad, you don't have to think that much

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