When Feng Jinxia and Feng Wenxuan saw Chen Feng waving, they let a man who was ten times more powerful than a special soldier to kneel down and beg for mercy. Their command and command attitude in the shopping mall completely disappeared. Some of them were just a kind of fear.

Feng Jinxia immediately valued himself on the ground and bowed his head and said, "master Chen, this is our mistake. Please spare me and Wenxuan a lot of lives. If there is any assignment in the future, even if I go to the sword mountain and go down to the sea of fire, I will never give up!"

Feng Jinxia is indeed the richest man in Jiangnan province. He knows the current affairs and knows how to advance and retreat. After seeing Chen Feng's means, he completely changes his attitude.

Although, the content of Feng Jinxia's speech is somewhat pompous, but in any case, it is important to protect life now!

However, no matter what Feng Jinxia thinks or thinks, Chen Feng doesn't care.

He walked slowly to Feng Jinxia and Feng Wenxuan, and his eyes fell on Feng Wenxuan.

Compared with Feng Jinxia's bow and bow, although Feng Wenxuan is terrified, his eyes are still filled with a kind of unwilling.

And Chen Feng, the first target, is naturally Feng Wenxuan.

"It seems that you are not reconciled." Chen Feng looks at Feng Wenxuan and says.

Feng Wenxuan didn't dodge in his eyes. He gritted his teeth and cried, "Chen Feng! You are only relying on the power of these demons to achieve this! On background, by talent, by knowledge, on means, which of you can compare with me!! If you give me 20 years, the whole East China, even China, will have my place! It's your turn to do evil here

"Wenxuan!" Feng Jinxia's face changed greatly and he quickly stopped it. However, Feng Wenxuan's attitude was firm and he didn't mean to stop.

Feng Jinxia is different from Feng Wenxuan. He knows that many martial arts experts, even in strength, courage, or influence, are far beyond their common people.

Because of this, he ordered not to compete with Luo family! Because it is a family with extraordinary ability, it can destroy the existence of their Feng family at any time!

But his son, unexpectedly did not know the sky high earth thick, goes to contradict this several like God's person!

Isn't it trouble for yourself?

Chen Feng calmly said: "you are right, background, contacts, talent, knowledge, I am not as good as you. But don't forget, if I want it, I can get it anytime

Feng Wenxuan's pupils shrank, but Chen Feng shook his head and sighed: "ordinary people are just too self righteous. They think the world revolves around themselves, but they don't know that there are people outside of us and there is a heaven outside of us. The place you live in seems very big. In fact, even if you stand at the top of money and status, you are just a frog in the bottom of a well. "

Then, Chen Feng's eyes slightly open, there is a kind of look down on the world, overlooking the human posture inside.

"All living beings are ants. You are no exception in my eyes. I want to kill you, but it's just a matter of nodding."

As for Chen Feng's words, Feng Jinxia believed it. He pleaded again: "master Chen, you have a lot. This is our problem. If you can bypass us, I can accept any punishment."

Feng Jinxia had other careful thoughts in his mind. He secretly said: as long as we don't kill us, any punishment can only be exchanged with money. As long as we have money, we can get back to the right track.

As for the family members who died, although Feng Jinxia was distressed, he had already looked down upon a lot at his age. As long as he and Feng Wenxuan were OK, others would not care too much.

This is a trade-off for the big crocodile in the mall.

"In fact, I didn't intend to kill you in the beginning. I said, kill you, but nodded."

Then, Chen Feng raised his hand and saw the wound outside Feng Jinxia's body surface. The blood seemed to be sucked out by Chen Feng.


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