Su Sheng and others, one after another, look at Chen Feng with respect. Chen Feng is as if nothing happened. He is devoid of tea. It seems that all these things are trivial things.

But these early is Chen Feng expected.

"Master Chen, can I know what kind of methods he used to make such a large Jinxia group fall into such a situation?" Mr. Le asked carefully.

Now Chen Feng is just like a God in front of them. Every move seems calm and there is no wave, but it contains invisible pressure, which makes people feel breathless.

Chen Feng was about to talk, but at this moment, the door suddenly became noisy.

"What are you doing! Let us in! I know he's in there! "

With an angry roar, Su Sheng frowned and cried, "who is outside?"

A bodyguard ran in and said, "Mr. Su, it's It's Feng Jinxia of Jinxia group and Feng Wenxuan. "

Feng Jinxia and Feng Wenxuan are the influential figures in Jinning city and even in Jiangnan province. No one knows that no one knows that. Even if Jinxia group goes bankrupt, it is still very easy to recognize them.

Fan Zhihong sneered: "good, these two bereaved dogs dare to come here and drive them out."

"Wait, let them in." Chen Feng said softly.

Since Chen Feng has spoken, Su Sheng naturally has no reason to refuse.

Soon, there are two embarrassed figures supporting each other to come in.

Two faces haggard, although is still a famous brand suit, but also can not hide the whole person's kind of despondency.

Feng Jinxia was helped in by Feng Wenxuan.

The two people who once dominated Jiangnan Province, one was the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River, and the other was a genius in the business world. Now they have fallen to this place, which is really a pity.

"Chen Feng! It's you! Why do you want to kill them all! "

Feng Wenxuan's eyes are full of bloodstains. There are too many changes in the past three days.

Feng Wenxuan is bold and young, but he is always too young to experience the turbulence in the market.

However, Feng Jinxia's body had a lot of problems.

Even if Su Sheng, a powerful man on the sea, saw such a despondent father and son, he could not help but feel sympathy.

Yes, in the past three days, the blow to the Feng family has been too great. I'm afraid that not many people can bear it.

Chen Feng calmly looked at two people and said, "you didn't believe what I said?"

Feng Wenxuan trembled, indeed, at the beginning of Chen Feng said, he really did not take it as a matter, but did not expect, it really came true!

"Heaven's sins are forgiven. He who does evil by himself shall not live. When you are calculating others, you should expect that there will be today's venue. I will make you Feng's family uneasy in the future. This is the punishment for you. If it is not for the goodness of life, can you still stand in front of me at this time? "

Chen Feng's words, like falling from the sky, fell in the whole hall, especially in the ears of Feng Jinxia and Feng Wenxuan.

Feng Wenxuan and Feng Wenxuan have a kind of sudden feeling. Feng Wenxuan's whole person is valued on the ground, and the whole person seems to have lost his soul.

Su Shengchao next to a few bodyguards make a wink, those bodyguards, is to take these two people out.

From then on, there was no Jinxia group, no Feng Jinxia and Feng Wenxuan in Jiangnan province.

Although they don't know what Chen Feng has done, they can think that the Feng family is really impossible to turn over.

"Well, I'm ready to leave." Chen Feng got up and said.

Susheng and they got up in a hurry.

"Master Chen, where are you going?"

"Go home." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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