What Chen Feng said was actually a disappointment. After all, many rich people were waiting for the auction. Who knows that Chen Feng broke the good atmosphere and made people feel bad.

Huang Lao sits in the main court of gambling stone, and there are some deacons nearby who are maintaining order. They also heard Chen Feng's words.

"Boy, this is not where you come from. If you make trouble here again, we will ask you out." One of the middle-aged deacons said coldly.

This guy must have been sent by a competitor of their antique city. Otherwise, if he said those words, would he be driving away customers for their antique city?

Huang Lao is magnanimous to say: "it doesn't matter, facts speak louder than words. Since this little brother asserts so, he must have studied gambling stones and let him be here."

Wang Rong sneered: "boy, did you see that if it wasn't for the large number of old Huang, you would have been driven out by the dead dog! If you are smart, get out of here

They all looked at Chen Feng and Zeng Ping with disdain. Zeng Ping turned red.

In front of him, he was humiliated by Kong Wenbing, and now he has been humiliated again, which makes him feel that he has no face to stay here.

But Chen Feng in the face of these people's criticism and cold eye, but indifferent, motionless, not affected at all.

"Mr. Chen..." Zeng Ping pulled Chen Feng's clothes in a low voice, which seemed to be a sign of wanting to leave.

"I will help you when I say yes. I'm here." Chen Feng Dao.

Kong Wenbing sneered. They looked at the two men as if they were idiots, and they no longer paid attention to it.

Bidding began, Zeng Ping heart ready to move, but Chen Feng let him not move, what else can he do?

Half an hour later, eight raw stones were auctioned off. The biggest one is the one meter high. The price is 15 million yuan!

Because this is Huang Lao's judgment, the most likely is the spring seed stone of purple jadeite.

The price of eight million yuan, for a raw stone to bet on, is already very crazy!

Because if it's a secondary stone, you can see at least one layer inside, so you can deepen your judgment!

Therefore, from a certain point of view, the cost of a gambling stone will be fundamental, but the risk will be greater, and the return will be greater.

The cost of secondary gambling will be higher, but the success rate will be higher, and the return will be relatively low compared with the cost paid.

Of course, if it is really the top jade spring planting, the so-called cost is almost negligible.

Fifteen million to bid for a stone! What a high price!

The stone, however, fell into the hands of Kong Wenbing.

Many of the rich people present are actually ready to move. The price of 15 million yuan is not very high, but they have to consider the risk and the return. At the same time, because it is Kong Wenbing, they also have elements they want to let in.

All in all, Kong Wenbing did not compete with him for the price of 15 million yuan.

"Kong Shao, hehe, it seems that many people have a little insight. They must also value this stone, which is extraordinary!" Wang Rong whispered in Kong Wenbing's ear.

Gambling stone is not blindly throwing money, it is the experience accumulated with money.

Kong Wenbing only recently fell in love with this kind of gambling. Many of the rich people around him had more experience than him. In addition, Mr. Huang was in charge, so he naturally dared to bid.

Naturally, Kong Wenbing also knew that many people were in the way of their family group, and some of them let him.

He doesn't care. As long as he's right and happy, everything is worth it.

However, at this time, an untimely voice sounded --

"it's worth buying a piece of low-grade purple spring green jadeite for 15 million yuan."

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