As a matter of fact, what they still remember, Chen Feng said before that none of the eight raw stones was of superior quality.

But now, what Chen Feng means is that all the remaining seven raw stones are waste materials?

This immediately angered the rich who bought the seven stones.

"Boy, don't talk nonsense! Do you really think what you say is what you say

"Yes! We have been gambling on stones for so many years. Can you tell the life and death of stones just by opening your mouth? "

"It's a little messy here!"

These rich people are naturally angry.

Although the biggest piece of raw stone was claimed by Chen Feng to be waste, and it really came true, but they don't think Chen Feng really has such a talent. None of the seven stones is jade spring planting.

After all, no matter how to say, this is all selected by Huang Lao!

If none of the eight original stones is jade, then old Huang will lose face and throw it home.

According to the past achievements, at least four or five of the ten stones will be jade, which is Huang Lao's pride.

Chen Feng asserted that the biggest piece of stone was successful. Huang Lao's face was naturally ugly.

Of course, failure will happen, so Huang Lao is not a big loss of face, the key is the remaining seven stones.

Huang Laogen could not believe that all the jades he picked out would be waste.

Even if it is the lowest jadeite jade, it is good!

But this young man is just too arrogant.

Kong Wenbing said coldly, "Chen Feng, aren't you afraid that the wind will flash your tongue?"

"It's only a hundred million yuan. To me, it's just a cloud. I'm afraid you can't afford it. " Chen Feng said lightly.

To tell you the truth, one hundred million yuan is nothing to a real estate kingdom with assets over ten billion yuan and market value over 100 billion yuan.

But the problem is that this is 100 million yuan. As the prince, Kong Wenbing can't take it out so willfully.

But he was so provoked that he could not swallow it.

"Good! I'll bet you! "

Wang Rong and they suddenly took a breath.

They are the second generation of rich people. They usually eat, drink and have fun. At most, there are hundreds of thousands of them. If they are more than ten million, they are basically gambling and buying luxury yachts. That's a waste.

One hundred million! That's how you bet!

Many rich people present were in an uproar.

For them, 100 million is not a big amount, but what can be taken out so lightly is naturally startled by them.

They immediately signed their names to testify. Naturally, it is impossible to cheat on so many people present.

Zeng Ping's eyes were straight.

That's the big money!

Although Kong Wenbing agreed to come down at one breath, it is undeniable that even if he did not believe in Huang Lao, he also believed in the eyes of those present.

After all, the people who bid for these stones are not idiots. They also have their own judgment ability.

They took pictures of the original stone, which naturally was judged, so they made their bets.

Kong Wenbing sneered: "boy, you are playing big this time!"

Chen Feng just does not speak, way: "ask Master to cut."

The audience, once again, watched the scene nervously.

It can be said that Chen Feng has not only offended Huang Lao and Kong Wenbing, but also the people who bid for these stones.

No one wants Chen Feng's words to be true, but the Chinese people are like this. When a crow talks about it, they still have some worries in the bottom of their heart.

Soon, Kong Wenbing selected five stones, and the master began to cut them.

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