All people can't believe to look at Chen Feng again.

Last year, there was a peach blossom spring emerald in the antique city, which was worth hundreds of millions. At that time, it also caused a sensation in the antique industry in Shenchuan.

Just now they were still discussing which one was so bold. Unexpectedly, it was this person!

This man is the rock gambler of last year!

No wonder he was able to assert that these are waste! It turns out that people have inside information!

Chen Feng takes a look at Feng Weichen and shakes his head slightly. This guy is deliberately speaking in front of the public.

Of course, he knows what Feng Weichen is thinking, which is to help him build his reputation and increase his prestige.

Kong Wenbing's face became more gloomy. Wang Rong and others waited for his eyes to look at the man again.

Originally, the most humble boy is the most powerful one in the crowd!

No wonder he has so much money in his bank card. It must have been won by gambling stone!

Chen Feng gave the check to Zeng Ping and said, "take it to your group for turnover."

Zeng Ping was completely stunned. The whole audience was shocked again. The 100 million check was given to you?

The man's wealth is so great!?

"But, Mr. Chen..." Zeng Ping was certainly flattered.

He never thought that Chen Feng would give him such a large number of checks!

But before his 15 million, he won back is very surprised, this gift, how dare he accept?

Chen Feng waved his hand and said, "I'm not interested in gambling. At the beginning, I bet with your money? Thank you very much. Thank you, Master Kong. I don't think the check will be verbal, will it? "

Speaking of the end, Chen Feng is the face of Kong Wenbing, the latter, the whole face has been dark to the bottom of the valley.

Wang Rong and other rich second generation dare not speak at all, or they can't say a word.

Chen Feng's stone gambling ability is too terrible, a word broken stone, people do not need to look at the incision, a word can do such a shocking situation.

What's more, look at Feng Weichen, the well-known master of the antique city. How much face you give him!

Even Kong Wenbing could not enjoy his age and identity.

Chen Feng's last sentence was obviously afraid that Kong Wenbing would break his promise. He said it in front of everyone. Kong Wenbing couldn't break his promise!

"Don't worry, I will give it to you for 100 million!" Kong Wenbing's teeth are cold and his eyes are full of resentment.

Chen Feng looked at Feng Weichen and said, "Lord Feng, I want to ask you for help."

Feng Weichen looked at all the things he had just seen. Naturally, he was able to guess a little about the gratitude and resentment between Chen Feng and Kong Wenbing.

Kong Wenbing is a recent celebrity, but Feng Weichen knows more that Chen Feng's supernatural power in the ghost Valley has long surpassed ordinary people. He is already a master of Taoism!

Yes, like Zhang Qiuyi, Feng Weichen is the only two people in Shenchuan who know that Chen Feng has magical power.

Feng Weichen can never forget what he experienced in the ancient tomb.

"Well, well, let's talk inside."

Feng Weichen didn't pay any attention to Kong Wenbing. Kong Wenbing's face became more gloomy and his heart was shaking.

Kong's group rose rapidly, and soon it had the momentum to squeeze into the top ten or even the top five. Even, the assets of Kong's group were many times more than that of Feng Weichen.

However, what we should know is that Feng Weichen runs an antique city, and his contacts are from the three places on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, and even at home and abroad.

Who can collect antiques? Who are they? It's not the role of gold and silver mountain, or the older generation's identity sensitive, who dares to play like this?

In addition, in terms of seniority, Feng Weichen didn't need the bird Kong soldiers at all.

"Chen Feng Kong Wenbing's eyes spurted fire, and immediately left with a group of people.

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