Zhou Yinger first said that she was an ordinary son and daughter of the Zhou family. This is her modest and modest speech. The purpose is to let Feng Weichen get rid of Zhou Yinger's pride due to his own identity.

This is to let Feng Weichen have a good impression of Zhou Yinger, at least not think that Zhou Yinger is with identity.

And Zhou Yinger's voice changed, saying that she came for her grandfather Zhou Shengdong.

What is Zhou Shengdong?

That's the four richest people in xiangdao, the top 30 in the global Forbes rich list.

You know, the people who can rank in the top 30, in the whole continent, will not exceed the figures with three fingers!

Zhou Yinger said that she came for her grandfather. She suppressed Zhou Shengdong first and then raised her reputation. At the same time, she said in disguise that Zhou Shengdong had something to ask Feng Weichen.

In this way, under the premise of Zhou Yinger's modesty and this layer of reasons, Feng Weichen's position and face will be greatly improved.

This is the young talents and outstanding children of a great family!

Chen Feng sighed in his heart.

Compared with Kong Wenbing's arrogance of being rich and bullying; compared with Lin Junhao, who relies on his family background and his own ability, is superior on the surface, a good-looking talent, but actually has a dark heart, Zhou Yinger is much better than them in terms of speaking skills, intelligence, and so on.

Unconsciously, Chen Feng's affection for Zhou Yinger has improved a lot.

This is the attitude of a person who asks for help.

At least not on the surface, but from the heart. Although there are some speaking skills, but this skill is to lower themselves, raise the other side, and still based on the reality of the blueprint, which will make people have to look at three points.

Feng Weichen's face also respected a lot, at least not to worry about Zhou Ying'er. He said: "the old man of Zhou is rich in money and sits in the gold mountain silver mine. How can Feng do that?"

With a smile, Zhou Yinger said, "Lord Feng is modest. The reputation of city Lord Feng in Shenchuan is unknown in three places on both sides of the Strait. With the courage, ability and means of Lord Feng, there are not many people in China who can shoulder the same shoulder. "

This is a fact. There is no elevated element in it. Feng Weichen knows this.

Feng Weichen is also a modest man. He looks at all these things by himself, but he can't deny his status and reputation.

No one doesn't like to be complimented, especially on deeds. Even if he is modest, he still has a lot of happy elements in his heart.

But in any case, Feng Weichen still knew which was more important. He said, "Miss Zhou, I'll ask someone to take you to the inner hall for a while. I've got some distinguished guests here."

This is the tone of Feng Weichen's compromise. After all, Chen Feng is absolutely the first.

"Lord Feng..." The middle-aged man next to Zhou Yinger has a big frown.

In his opinion, Chen Feng really has great ability, but that is the ability of gambling stone!

But Zhou Shengdong and Mr. Zhou of the Zhou family, what a giant?

Even if it is xiangdao te, the first time he sees it, he has to talk to his peers. Now Feng Weichen means that Zhou Shengdong is not as good as this young man's stone gambler?

Is this Feng Weichen too ignorant?

Zhou Ying'er raised her hand to stop the people around her from going on. She said with a smile, "Lord Feng said that everything comes first, and we will wait inside."

After that, Zhou Yinger smiles at Chen Feng and nods, which is a temporary farewell.

The deacons are going to take them to the inner hall, but when they arrive, the voice rings --

"Lord Feng, Miss Zhou must have something urgent. I'm not in a hurry. You can talk about it first."

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