What does he mean by this? Did ye Jiaxin get the spirit weapon from him?

Zhou Ying'er suddenly stops. She can't help but look at Chen Feng and ponder.

Lin shuleng hummed: "younger generation, don't talk nonsense. Ye Jiaxin is a spiritual weapon obtained in Zhongdu province. How can it have anything to do with you?"

Which of the rich families in xiangdao, such as the Ye family and the Zhou family, is not an expert in geomancy?

Therefore, last year, ye Jiaxin went back with a spirit weapon and cured Ye Qinghai's disease. Naturally, the Zhou family was shocked by it.

They inquired many times to find out where ye Jiaxin got the spirit weapon. But how could the Ye family be so stupid and tell outsiders that ye Jiaxin came from Zhongdu province?

Spirit weapon is a legendary treasure, which is more than the common people know. It is priceless and priceless. If more people know about it, will ye family have more competitors in the future?

However, what the Zhou family has done is to find out that ye Jiaxin's foothold in the mainland is in Zhongdu Province, and that ye Qinghai actually met a master Chen in Yanjing before ye Jiaxin.

Therefore, Zhou Ying'er is not in a dead end. There are at least two ways to find them.

Chen Feng is not angry at all, light way: "the car master in your mouth didn't tell you, what ye Jiaxin brought back is only half spirit weapon?"

This time, Zhou Yinger and uncle Lin finally flashed a shock in their eyes.

Yes, master Che told them that what ye Jiaxin brought back was not a spirit weapon, but a half spirit weapon.

Of course, half spirit is not as good as spirit, and what master Che asked them to look for is the real spirit.

Just now, when Uncle Lin was talking, they virtually removed the word "half".

Ordinary people, if they don't know the truth, they don't know anything about the half spirit weapon.

Is it Ye Jiaxin's half spirit weapon really his?

But is it possible? That's the only one in Zhongdu province!

What's more, master Che also told them that only a novice can get something. This boy looks like he is 20 years old. How can he be a Taoist?

But Uncle Lin turned to think about it and said coldly, "you must have got some news in xiangdao before you know it."

Although Ye Jiaxin brought back the half spirit weapon, it was not a secret, but in any case, the four families also spent a lot of money to find out.

When Uncle Lin said this, he was still very surprised, not to mention Zhou Yinger, who was as delicate as dust.

Feng Weichen's eyes were excited, but he didn't show it. He seemed to think of something.

"Miss, we don't care about him. We can go to Zhongdu first and then to Yanjing." Uncle Lin seemed to ignore Chen Feng and said.

They have been here for a long time, and the father of the family can't wait for others.

Zhou Yinger was still pondering, but after a long time, she still shook her head.

To be sure, she thinks highly of Chen Feng. She even thinks that Chen Feng's background is very big. In addition, she also admires Chen Feng's gambling ability. However, it doesn't mean that she can connect Chen Feng with the Taoist priest. This is also a bit out of the blue.

Zhou Yinger didn't say anything. She just left.

After they left, Feng Weichen ran over and said, "Chen Feng, you Is that Mr. Chen in Yanjing really you? "

At the beginning of the banquet held in the Tang family, and a lot of people came to the place for the sale of spiritual instruments. Feng Weichen only knew about it afterwards. At that time, he also secretly hated why he didn't receive the news earlier.

Did not expect, that person, unexpectedly is oneself always knew Chen Feng?

Chen Feng nodded and said, "that person is me."

"That Zhongdu saves that..."

"It's me, too."

Feng Weichen is also expected, but the thought that he underestimated Chen Feng's ability, his heart is a surprise.

"Originally, I was thinking about whether Zhou Ying'er could play a small role, but obviously it doesn't matter if I don't buy my account."

If Chen Feng did not have a good feeling for Zhou Yinger, with his present temperament, it is absolutely impossible to say half a word.

"Well, don't mention her. I'm here because of the spirit."


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