Seeing Yun Zhengshan's ugly face, Lu Dingjiang asked.

The cloud family has always been competing with the Lu family and the Hua family for fame. Although the cloud family is also low-key, it has never been anonymous. After the Lu family retired, they have been secretly flogging their own family to try to catch up with the Shanghua family.

However, the Chinese family is deeply rooted. In addition, it has masters in charge. Moreover, the special blood and secret methods of the Hua family make the cloud family afraid. Therefore, the cloud family has been suppressed.

And the relationship between the cloud family and the Lu family has always been relatively harmonious. After all, the Lu family did not come out to fight for fame and wealth, and there was no interest dispute with the cloud family.

When Yun Zhengshan saw Lu Dingjiang and asked himself, his face was relatively relaxed, but he was still not very good-looking. He said, "a boy injured my fourth brother."

Lu Dingjiang frowned: "your fourth brother Yunyang flies? Isn't he the realm of Zhenwu? Can hurt him, at least need Zhenwu second chakra? "

Hearing this, all the faces of the cloud family were very ugly. At this time, a Lu family's younger brother whispered in Luding River's ear: "master, that person is not even Zhenwu's second chakra."

After hearing this, Lu Haoyu frowned: "not only Zhenwu second chakra?"

Immediately he took a look at Yun Jianbin, who looked ugly and did not speak.

He and Yun Jianbin are the leaders of the young generation in the southern martial arts and Taoism circles. They are equal, only second only to Hua Wenxuan.

Not Zhenwu second chakra, that is Zhenwu three chakra! Is Hua Wenxuan coming?

The disciple of the Lu family seemed to know what Lu Dingjiang and others wanted to wonder about. His lips were all trembling and said, "the man is twenty years old. We guess that at least they are all Zhenwu four chakras."

"Zhenwu four chakras!"

This immediately aroused a lot of people's emotions.

Zhenwu four chakras, less than 20 years old? What a genius this is?

Is there such a person in the southern martial arts circle?

Lu Dingjiang took a look at the cloud family. Their faces were very ugly. They were obviously shameless.

However, Luding River can not say anything.

After all, the southern martial arts world has such a character, he naturally that is happy, but the cloud home side can not be ignored.

Lu Dingjiang said: "the cultivation of martial arts is not only to strengthen the body and protect the country, but also to subdue people with virtue. It is the harm of martial arts. He who has virtue but does not have martial arts is a mediocre in martial arts. Since yunyangfei was injured here, I will give an account to the Yuns after the banquet. "

Lu Dingjiang's words let the audience can't help but move, and they have a kind of inexplicable favor for Luding river.

As a family, the cultivation of martial arts and Taoism is so powerful that it is hard to convince people with virtue, treat people with sincerity, and convince people with truth.

Yun Zhengshan also knew that Lu Dingjiang's words had a taste of cherishing talents, but he also felt the sincere part of Lu's words, and his face softened a little, saying: "brother Xie Dingjiang's kindness. Yang Fei is also incompetent and can't blame others. However, if anyone dares to challenge our cloud family, I will not give up! And fight to the end

Speaking of the latter part, Yun Zhengshan's words had a kind of awe inspiring flavor, and the volume of his voice increased unconsciously. The audience was suddenly quite quiet. Obviously, Yunyang's flying time still made him feel ill at ease.

But this is the banquet of Lu family. Yun Zhengshan regained his face and said, "I'm sorry, brother Dingjiang, it's rude. After all, today is the birthday of Master Lu."

"No harm." Lu Dingjiang nodded with a smile.

This makes many people have a lot of good impression on Luding river. No wonder the Lu family can be respected so much with such magnanimity and mind.

For this reason, no one in the southern martial arts circle would refuse to be present at his ninetieth birthday, whether he was ordering the Wulin, sitting in the south, or having a sincere banquet.

It seemed that Yun Zhengshan didn't want to linger on his brother's humiliation. His resentment shifted to another direction and said coldly, "if it wasn't for master Chen of Donghai, the South would not have been in such an embarrassing situation!"

At the mention of master Chen, the whole audience immediately calmed down.

Master Chen of Donghai, this name is like thunder!

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