After a while, several figures came out of the martial arts school.

The young man, who was the head of the party, wandered about leisurely and leisurely, and seemed to be a little careless.


Wei Xiaoya saw the wounded Wei Zhengchu. She was so scared that she ran over and helped Wei Zhengchu.

Just now, Wei Zhengchu was forced to support him. Wei Xiaoya helped him so much that he almost fell down. However, there was a flat wood beside him.

Wei Zhengchu immediately responded, his face changed greatly, and he said anxiously, "what are you doing out here? Go back

Wei Zhengchu is a man of good face, but now it is not because of face, but because of dangerous things!

Zhu Hongjun and others are not joking!

They killed people in Chinatown, and the San Francisco police have no right to blame them!

This is the strength of Hong Mun!

And he has his old friends here. Of course, he doesn't want to involve them.

Deacon Huang light way: "to now, you still want to prop up?"

"In any case, this is the ancestral property of our Wei family! I will not give in even if I die! Zhongcheng, take them away Wei Zhengchu was ready to die.

"Dad Wei Xiaoya is going to cry.

Shen Zhongcheng quickly stood up and looked at Zhu Hongjun and said, "my brother is Shen Lianpeng, a doctor of the Medical Association. He also knows you Hong men. Can you do me a favor for the sake of the medical association?"

"Oh?" Zhu Hongjun eyebrows a pick, a little surprised.

Of course, he has heard of the Huaxia Medical Association. Its headquarters is here in huaqiguo, and it is much more famous than that of the Chinese Medicine Association.

Naturally, they also have a close relationship with the Medical Association.

After all, the children of Hong clan often had conflicts with the local people when they first came here. As time goes by, they will be injured. So they have come to this day only with the help of the Medical Association.

Therefore, the fame of overseas medical associations is so famous, and it has a certain relationship with Hong family, because the medicine association is covered by Hong door!

Of course, Shen Lianpeng and Zhu Hongjun in Shen Zhongcheng's mouth have heard of it. Although Shen Lianpeng is not a senior doctor in the Medical Association, his medical skills are also very excellent.

The elder level doctors basically treat them, such as hall leaders and housekeepers.

Those other senior doctors, as well as some general doctors from the Medical Association, often help the children of Hong family to heal.

"It turns out that you are Dr. Shen's younger brother. In this case, you can leave, but Wei Zhengchu and Wei Xiaoya will not be in your charge." Zhu Hongjun said lightly.

Originally, Shen Zhongcheng thought that Zhu Hongjun would sell face to him, but who knows, Zhu Hongjun said is equivalent to not saying.

But Wei Zhengchu and Wei Xiaoya's father and daughter's facial expressions are even more ugly.

Shen Zhongcheng was in a hurry and wanted to say something else. Zhu Hongjun said coldly, "I've given you face for the sake of doctor Shen. Don't push your luck! Otherwise, even if I abolish you, will Dr. Shen still have to settle accounts with my Hong family? "

Zhu Hongjun is worthy of being the son of the red flag housekeeper. The fierce manner in which he spoke shocked almost all the streets of Chinatown.

Shen Zhongcheng was so said by him that he was speechless.

Wei Zhengchu said in a deep voice: "Zhongcheng, you leave first, I will solve it here."

"Solve it. How can you solve it?"

Shen Zhongcheng was worried. He asked Zhu Hongjun, "they mortgaged the building. They borrowed money from you. How much money does he owe you? I'll help him change it."

"Ha ha! Give it back to him? Okay, billion. Do you have one? "

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