In Citigroup, because of race and the gap between the rich and the poor, there are slums everywhere.

Therefore, the crime rate of Citigroup is the highest in the world.

Under normal circumstances, if it is not for the courage of skilled artists, normal people seldom go out alone at night, and there are not many people on the street.

Because this is a country where murder, human trafficking, robbery and other crimes are gathered.

And Chen Feng walked on the road, but as if no one.

Under the streetlights, there were four Negroes who were bored and seemed to be waiting for something.

When they saw Chen Feng coming alone, their eyes lit up.

The four people made eyes at each other and immediately walked towards Chen Feng.

Under the streetlights, when they see Chen Feng's face, the scorn in their eyes becomes more intense.

"Hey, brother, we need to borrow something from you. Now stand still and take out everything you have, or we will kick your PI eye." Said a black man in English.


By four people in front of, Chen Feng gently said a word, no voice.


At this time, one of the black men took out a pistol from his pocket, loaded it immediately and pointed to Chen Feng.

In Citigroup, it is legal to hold guns here. Therefore, the crime rate here is so high, which is closely related to the proliferation of guns.

"I don't want to say it the second time. Now I give you two choices. First, put down your things and get out of here. Second, put down your things before you get out of here. "

Chen Feng slightly shakes his head, do not want to say more directly with these people.

"I also give you two choices, life or death." Chen Feng said in English.

"I don't think you've had a bullet."

The black man immediately pulled the trigger, but then, no matter how he pulled the trigger, he couldn't pull it.

The black man's eyes widened, and his three companions were also greatly surprised.

"It doesn't buckle, does it?" Chen Feng gave a faint voice.

Then, a strange scene appeared. The black man's raised arm began to sink, and the muzzle of the gun was aimed at the sole of his foot. No matter how hard he tried, he could not.


The Negro pulled the trigger, and the bullet immediately blew his foot.


The black man cried out and groaned on the ground in agony. The three black people nearby had already been scared out of their wits and immediately separated. They left Chen Feng and did not dare to stop him.

And in the dark, a dark shadow saw this scene, could not help shaking.

This man is the son of Hongmen, which is different from the one just now. He is responsible for tracking Chen Feng's whereabouts, while the one at the door is responsible for tracking.

He clearly saw the whole process. Chen Feng had not moved it from the beginning to the end. But just now the trigger failed, and the black man shot himself at his feet. How strange it was!

But in a person with the power of martial arts, this is not a kind of weird, this is the idea!

This is such a powerful idea that Shenwu state can possess!

"This man is in a state of martial arts!"

He immediately felt a kind of panic. He didn't know what the concept of Shenwu state was, because only people with strong ideas could achieve this level!

But soon, he just calmed down.

"Hum, no matter who this boy is, this time it's the young master who is coming. He's throwing himself into the net!"

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