Liu Feng was shocked to find that his index finger has been completely unable to move.

However, Chen Feng did not know when his hand was on the trigger, which firmly blocked the pulling of his fingers

then, the gun in his hand was snatched by Chen Feng, and then it was still in the distance.

Chen Feng's killing intention rises. His arm is bleeding. Tang Xiaoxuan almost faints.

Of course, when she saw that Chen Feng was safe and sound, she was relieved.

"Boy, you..."

Liu Feng's face was pale. He could not imagine that he was shooting at the other side's shoulder, but he was forced to hide?

This strange behavior, absolutely let him feel incomparable fright.

Chen Feng endure the pain on the arm, a slap directly is Liu Feng a fan to fall on the ground.

His strength is so strong, this slap, directly is to break a tooth of Liu Feng.

Liu Feng's mouth with blood, seven meat and eight vegetarian, but his heart of panic, just let him sober a lot.

"You, don't mess around. If you dare to move me, brother Xiong will not let you go." Liu Feng seems to want to take out Xiao Xiong and oppress Chen Feng.

Xiao Xiong is the elder brother of Shenxi District, and Liu Feng is his head horse. Naturally, Chen Feng beat Liu Feng, so Xiao Xiong definitely wants to settle accounts with Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's killing intention at this time has risen to the limit. He has never felt so dangerous.

It was the first time in his life, even after he had acquired special abilities, that he felt so close to death.

If he had not concentrated on Liu Feng's trigger finger, he would not have been able to traverse such a distance at the critical moment.

For him, although such a little distance has made him hurt, but to know, if it is really big on his shoulder blade, then Chen Feng can not be in boxing.

If you can't fight, then Chen Feng's strength will definitely be greatly restricted.

It is because the cultivation of boxing and Daoism have a realm, both of which are cultivating "Qi".

The two complement each other, so Chen Feng's realm is definitely going up a step.

Therefore, in any case, he must report for an important part of his body.

For such people who want their own lives, Chen Feng will not be soft at all.

He held up an iron bar on the ground, and without saying a word, he directly inserted it into Liu Feng's knee.


The shrill scream directly resounded through the entire waste factory, the knee burst, that kind of pain can be imagined how tormenting.

Liu Feng was so tall that he almost fainted from pain.

Those thugs who were lifted by Chen Feng all lie on the ground and see this scene, and their looks suddenly have a kind of panic.

But who knows, Chen Feng didn't mean to give up his hand, it was a stick to Liu Feng's other knee to burst.

Liu Feng finally fainted in the past, and the audience was thrilled.

Chen Feng coldly glanced at these people and said in a deep voice: "go back and tell your boss what's wrong with me. Don't move my people, or next time, I'm not so simple!"

Chen Feng turns around and pulls Tang Xiaoxuan away. Suddenly, at this moment, Tang Xiaoxuan feels that Chen Feng has become tall , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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