These days, because of his own affairs, Chen Feng has let Niu Dabao sleep in Xinghui heaven and earth for some time.

The next morning Chen Feng did not go to Tang Xiaoxuan, but went to Xinghui Tiandi to find Huang Wu.

Last night, Chen Feng has sent a text message, let Huang Wu pay close attention to the movement of the Southern District, and of course, the movement of Xiao Xiong in the western district.

Because if there are some Desperado to trouble him, it is likely to disturb Tang Xiaoxuan. Chen Feng still doesn't want Tang Xiaoxuan to worry.

Therefore, he must make sure that he is safe for the time being and that there is no trouble.

Come to Xinghui heaven and earth, Niu Dabao and Huang Wu are already waiting for him.

Seeing Chen Fenglai, Niu Dabao grasped Chen Feng's shoulder nervously and said, "a Feng, are you ok? I'm so worried these days. "

Chen Feng has a warm current in his heart. He patted Niu Dabao on the shoulder and said, "brother Dabao, I'm ok. I'm not good."

Niu Dabao said: "a Feng, don't lie to me. I've heard about the south district. Someone offered two million yuan to buy your life. I was scared to death at that time."

"Well, brother Dabao, I can fight. How can those gangsters be my opponents?"

With that, Chen Feng destroyed his fist with a smile.

Indeed, Chen Feng has nothing to do now. Niu Dabao has seen Chen Feng's ability, but he still didn't breathe a sigh of relief and said, "will those people trouble you again?"

Chen Feng looked at Huang Wu and said, "so I came specially."

Huang Wu took the message and said, "brother Feng, I've heard that a large number of police officers from the southern and western districts last night brought all those people into the Bureau. As long as there is a little black background, all of them are seized."

Speaking of this, Huang Wu was a little shocked and said: "it seems that all the noise this time has aroused the big people above. Otherwise, how could such a big battle be possible? Because in this way, it is likely to offend many powerful people."

Chen Feng smiles and doesn't say anything. This is really a shock to the big man. The big man is still related to Zhang Qiuyi.

"And the west side?"

Huang Wu then said: "Xiao Xiong and his gang were all brought into the Bureau. It is said that he placed an order to kill you in the Falcon net, which was found out by the criminal investigation team. Now it is estimated that it will not be released so soon. Now the western district is in a mess. The big crocodiles in the East, North and central districts all want to share a share. It seems that the western district will not be very peaceful."

Chen Feng was silent.

Even he didn't expect that because Xiao Xiong sent a reward to himself, so many relations and forces were involved.

Niu Dabao sighed and said: "those underground forces are not understandable to ordinary people. Xiao Xiong has great power. Once someone else is arrested, his field and territory will surely be contested. In addition, Shenchuan city is a first tier city in China, and this is a place for making money. How can anyone let go of this land? It's the right way for us ordinary people to work in safety. "

Chen Feng also did not say anything, this is the common people's thought, is also does not have the power person's lifelong desire, is also the only thing which can choose.

In the face of evil forces and power, ordinary people really can't do anything.

So Chen Feng secretly vowed in his heart that he must become stronger.

Even if it's not to make more money, he has to be able to protect his relatives, friends, and lovers.

"Now that it's sunny after the rain, you don't have to worry." Chen Feng said.

Huang Wu suddenly sounded a thing, said: "Oh, by the way, brother Feng, there is another thing to tell you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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