Two people did not walk two steps, it is found that some people follow.

Chen Feng of course did not care, because he was thinking of Tang Xiaoxuan.

Tang Zhiyou knew that the man must have been sent by his father. He just blinked at Chen Feng with Yu Guangchao, as if to say, boy, everything depends on your own nature.

Soon he arrived in the room. Chen Feng's heart beat a little faster, but he suppressed it very well. He stepped in and finally saw Tang Xiaoxuan lying on the bed with several servants watching.


Chen Feng called in his heart. He took a deep breath and went to the bedside.

It is said that one day without seeing is like three autumn after another, and there is no meeting for one or two months. Of course, Chen Feng misses her, but now is not the time to appreciate her.

Tang Xiaoxuan looks like a normal person, and her breath is very stable.

Chen Feng's heart moved, the eye opened.

"Sure enough!"

Chen Feng heart is very surprised, Tang Xiaoxuan's mind, that finger so big shadow really appeared again!

"What's the matter? If I had finished acupuncture, but now it appears again

"If that's the case, I'll give the injection again, and Xiaoxuan's condition will recur after a period of time."

Chen Feng has given Tang Xiaoxuan many injections. If he still uses the last method this time, then after a period of time, Tang Xiaoxuan's dizziness will definitely attack.

The servants in the room looked at Chen Feng in surprise.

This young man, come in without feeling the pulse. What is he here for?

Tang Zhiyou and he asked in a low voice, "is it the same as before?"

Chen Feng nodded and Tang Zhiyou then asked, "are you sure? Shangguan Ling has been diagnosed before you came here. I think he is confident. Chen Feng, if you... "

Of course, Chen Feng knows what Tang Zhiyou said. If he can't cure Tang Xiaoxuan well, or if his diagnosis plan is denied by outside doctors, then Tang Xiaoxuan will give it to others!

Chen Feng did not say what, way: "let's go out."

Tang Zhiyou knows that Chen Feng has treated Tang Xiaoxuan. Although he is worried, he doesn't know what to say.

He knew that Chen Feng was very good at medicine, but to tell the truth, he was more inclined to the side of shangguanling, a disciple of Dr. Gu Yi. After all, they all learned from famous schools! He also got the true biography of the ancient doctor.

Ah Qiang sees this, he will come out first.

"What's the situation?"

A Qiang looked around at the doctors who were looking at themselves. Tang Ruishan said, "speak up."

"Master, after the boy went in, he didn't even have a pulse, so he took a look and said he would come out."


The doctors frowned.

"I said that the boy must be watching the fun. He has no pulse. How can he be diagnosed?"

"That is to say, young people nowadays, if they don't study hard, they have high vision and low hand. Ah, no wonder traditional Chinese medicine will decline."

Shangguan Ling shook his head slightly. Just now, there was a look of expectation, but it turned into a disappointment.

Of course, most of them thought of this situation, so they didn't sneer or look down on Chen Feng after he came out.

After all, who would expect such a young man to diagnose a disease that even they could not diagnose?

Back in the crowd, Chen Feng said nothing, thinking about what.

"Well, now that everyone has finished the diagnosis, it's shangguanling's turn." Tang Zhiyou said.

Everyone is looking at Shangguan Ling. Today, he is the main character.

Shangguan Ling took a step forward and said: "I don't know what the results of your predecessors' diagnosis are. Shangguan lingbuchai has written the diagnosis results in. Please judge for your uncle and elder together."

He said that he had finished his writing.

A highly respected doctor took it, and many doctors looked at it together.

At this time, a voice sounded from the back of the crowd --

"Qi and blood are both deficient, wind evil hurts Yang Meridian."

As soon as he said this, the doctors were all dumbfounded , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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