All of a sudden, the faces of all the people had changed. Just now, it was a reflection!

Take a look at Tang Xiaoxuan. She was normal, but now she is pale.

"How can this happen?" Tang Zhiyou said

Shangguan Ling's face is also some pale, even a kind of pale.

What he didn't expect was that the worst really happened.

Although the nine needling method is the most common method of applying acupuncture, it is consistent with the Qi of the whole body, which requires the Needler to be extremely high. Even if the acupoint deviates a little, it is fatal.

If one or two needles fall off, it can still be saved, but this is nine needles falling together!

This means that the nine needle method has now become a killing needle!

"Shangguanling..." Tang Ruishan finally turned pale.

Although he did not know what happened to Tang Xiaoxuan, it was good, but now the breath has become so weak, he also guessed that Tang Xiaoxuan may have something unexpected.

Tang Ruishan loves and hates his granddaughter, but in any case, this is his own eldest granddaughter, who keeps the blood of Tang family, or his granddaughter of Tang Ruishan. No matter how worried, he will never watch her die like this!

On weekdays, half of his indifference to Tang Xiaoxuan was deliberately pretended. No one understood the emotion of wanting to love Tang Xiaoxuan, but afraid of returning the family.

Because of this, he wanted to cure Tang Xiaoxuan's condition urgently. At least, he would not have to be in a rigid relationship as before.

He also doesn't have to worry about the problem of whether or not there is a bad star.

On the one hand, he rejected Tang Xiaoxuan for the sake of his family. On the other hand, he didn't want to pay back Tang Xiaoxuan himself because of such strange things!

Therefore, Tang Ruishan's long-term composure began to stir.

Who could have thought that the disaster star came true again! And it happened to Tang Xiaoxuan himself! The last thing Tang Ruishan wanted to see happened after all.

"Old Tang..." Shangguan Ling's face was as pale as ashes.

Shangguan Ling has not failed for a long time, but this time, he failed completely.

Around the doctors are sounded a sigh voice, that kind of sad sad sad sigh lingering in everyone's mind.

"Speak! What's the matter with you? " Tang Zhiyou also called out in anger.

"The nine needles are connected with Qi. Miss Tang is in danger. I'm afraid that only the legendary Qi control needle can save her." One of the old doctors said.

Tang Zhiyou immediately said: "that's not quick!"

Some old doctors looked at each other and shook their heads slightly. Shangguan Ling said in a deep voice, "Qi controls the needle. Even my master has not reached this level."

Tang Ruishan was very anxious, but slowly, he also closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

At his age, it's not that he doesn't want to save Tang Xiaoxuan, but that he doesn't have any good ways.

"Dad, what to do, Xiaoxuan looks like..." Tang Zhiyou said anxiously.

Tang Ruishan sighed a little and said: "the cure itself is not 100% sure. Sometimes people's calculation is not as good as heaven's calculation. Maybe Xiaoxuan's life is here..."

The whole room was filled with a sense of depression.

Doctors are not immortals, and there will be unexpected things, and they are not 100% wonderful doctors.

Among the doctors present, some of them have seen too many people who have died due to illness. In addition to trying their best, they can only do something with regret.

Life and death, life and death, life and death, is the law of nature, how can people control so much?

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