When they left, Tang Zhiyou carefully closed the door and said in surprise, "yes, Chen Feng. I really didn't expect that your medical skills are so brilliant that even my father has a new look at you."

Chen Feng sighed: "the deep pain of love, Tang Laogang may want to stay?"

Tang Zhiyou nodded his head and said: "yes, but on the surface, his relationship with Xiaoxuan has always been bad. If he shows too much enthusiasm, his old face will not be easy, so he can simply maintain it."

Chen Feng smile, this is a kind of silent love, but the way of expression is not the same.

"By the way, give Xiaoxuan a needle."

Chen Feng shrugged, looked at Tang Xiaoxuan on the bed and said, "if you don't wake up, I'm going to stab you with a needle..."

"What wakes up?"

"Hum! Dare you? "

Tang Xiaoxuan suddenly opened her eyes, then sat up. Tang Zhiyou jumped with a cry.

Tang Xiaoxuan sat up, staring at Chen Feng coldly in his eyes. The latter said with a smile: "I'm back."

"You're dead." Tang Xiaoxuan snorted coldly.

"Xiaoxuan, are you awake? I was really scared to death just now. Besides, when did you wake up? "

Chen Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "she woke up after I gave the needle. She was just pretending to sleep. Don't you want to see old Tang?"

Tang Xiaoxuan was silent and did not speak.

She also heard Tang Zhiyou's words just now.

Chen Feng and Tang Zhiyou looked at each other and didn't say anything.

"OK, OK, just wake up. These days, we are so anxious. Your father... "

Tang Xiaoxuan said indifferently: "he is still in charge of his own affairs and has not come back, has he? I expected it. "

"Er..." Tang Zhiyou is speechless.

Chen Feng has seen it. It seems that Tang Xiaoxuan has a general relationship with her father and his son because of his disaster.

Tang Zhiyou didn't want to stay on this topic. He said, "it's OK. How do you feel now?"

Tang Xiaoxuan shook her head and said, "fourth uncle, I'm ok. It's like sleeping."

Finish saying, immediately looked at Chen Feng, eyes from just cold into a kind of soft.

Seeing this look in her eyes, Chen Feng felt a little warm in her heart and couldn't help but want to speak. But Tang Xiaoxuan soon became a kind of indifference, as if indifferent to the way: "how did you come?"

Damn it! Do you need to turn your face so fast?

I'm here to save you! I'm not coming. Can you talk to me?

Chen Feng in the heart some crazy, why still the same old ah!!!

Can't you smile at me?

I thought you said you would come back! Now I'm not coming by myself.

"Your fourth uncle has told me about you." Chen Feng takes a deep breath and says.

Tang Xiaoxuan's eyes appeared a kind of flustered, then became extremely indifferent, said: "then what else do you come to do?"

Chen Feng said with a smile: "naturally you left, I secretly vowed that I would go to Yanjing to find you. And after I know about you, I'm more sure that even if the whole world doesn't like you and abandons you, I'll be by your side. This is my promise to you

"You You're stupid. "

Tang Xiaoxuan's eyes were misty and her eyes were red.

The reason why she and Chen Feng's unknown relationship is that she is afraid that she will affect Chen Feng's safety.

Just like in Shenchuan, Chen Feng is in danger again and again, and she also blames the responsibility on herself.

"Well, well, there are still people here."

Tang Zhiyou has some hairs on his head. Then he looks at Chen Feng and says, "since this boy is here, it already represents his sincerity. Chen Feng, I can warn you that this is your choice. "

"Of course."

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