In Daoguan, Gu Yi is still meditating.

A step carefully walked in.

"Lost, didn't you?"

Shangguan Ling was surprised and said, "master, how do you know?"

"The pace is heavy and urgent, and the heart is depressed." Gu Yi slowly opened his eyes. In his calm eyes, there was no such surprise for a long time.

Of course, he meditated for so long, and soon he regained his calm.

"Do you know where you lost?"

Shangguan Ling was ashamed. Although he was not willing to accept it, he knew that everything could not be concealed from his master. He said, "look, hear, ask, examine, diagnose, diagnose, treat, and treat the patient with the right medicine and acupuncture..."

This is Gu Yi's turn to move a little surprised: "all lost?"

Shangguan Ling lowered his ashamed head and showed great depression.

"What is the specific situation?"

Shangguan Ling said: "look, smell and ask. He only used inspection to know Miss Tang's condition."

Gu Yi was shocked again.

Tang Xiaoxuan's headache was heard by the former when he was a child. He even asked about his pulse. He couldn't do it himself. How could that boy be so fierce?


"as like as two peas."

"How about the medicine?"

Shangguan Ling sighed and said, "that person does not use medicine, but uses acupuncture directly."

Deliberately narrowed his eyes: "in this case, this boy should be a medical genius. No wonder song Qiuxi pushed him out before. It turns out that there are several brushes."

Shangguan Ling was very upset.

Without comparison, there is no harm. It seems that his master seldom praises himself and accepts others as medical genius?

This is still from the mouth of the first doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in Yanjing.

He studied medicine hard. Of course, he hoped to hear his teacher say the word "genius doctor".

Originally, he thought that it was to eliminate the harm of traditional Chinese medicine, but he did not expect to help others.

Gu Yi saw his disciple's mind and said, "do you think I praise others falsely?"

"I dare not." Shangguan Ling bowed his head and said.

Gu Yi said: "three people line must have my teacher Yan, reach the first, although the boy's age is younger than you, but there are too many crouching tiger, hidden dragon in the world."

"Be modest at all times, otherwise you will never be able to break through the shackles, and you will only be stagnant. The boy's medical skills are so good that maybe Chinese medicine can be carried forward in his hands. "

Then, Gu Yi asked about the comparison of acupuncture and moxibustion.

The competition of acupuncture and moxibustion was the last thing shangguanling wanted to mention, and it was also the biggest blow.

"How could it be?"

The pupil of Gu Yi shrinks, the whole person is to stand up.

Shangguan Ling is shocked. His master hasn't been so excited for a long time. Is this Qi Yu needle really so magical?

"Qi controls the needle! Qi control needle! No wonder... "

Gu Yi murmured to himself. After a long time, he took a deep breath and said, "ling'er, you are not wronged at all."

"There is a saying that Qi can control the needle, and all diseases must be eliminated. I only saw a master of medical ethics perform this needling method when I was young. Up to now, the descendants of this master of medicine are still overseas, and I have been refused many visits."

Shangguan Ling was surprised and said, "how can it be? Master, you are an old man in the Chinese Medicine Association and the first doctor in Yanjing. Is that guy... "

"The Qi control needle must master the Qi and the body to a perfect level before it can be used. I meditate for a long time to reach that state."

Then, Gu Yi sat down and said in a deep voice: "this son's medical skills are so good. Whether it's diagnosis or acupuncture, there may be descendants behind him. Ling'er, your medical practice may be just the beginning. "

Shangguan Ling's face suddenly turned white. He had been studying medicine for so long, and even had such a great reputation in the Chinese Medicine Association. But his master said that medical skills are only beginning now?

Is it clear in master's mind that his medical skills are inferior to Chen Feng?

Think about it! Even his master has no ability to use Qi to control the needle, isn't it

He was not reconciled and bowed down and said, "master, I should be so self-contained."

"More exchanges, more learning from him, closer to the red."

Gu Yi closed his eyes and said, "the most important thing about medical skill is mood. The doctor, practicing medical skill, is also cultivating heart. There are still two months to go for the Centennial prosperity of our Chinese Medicine Association. Go and prepare well. "

"Yes! I'm leaving. "

After Shangguan Ling came out, he suddenly seemed to have decided something. A trace of stubbornness flashed in his eyes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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