Chen Feng did not react. Tang Ruishan, who was sitting in meditation, suddenly jumped up, just like a wild panther. He was just like a lightning bolt.

This speed, and explosive power, Chen Feng even saw a shadow!

What terrible power and speed!

He never thought that an old man could be so strong!

He has seen Baiqi and Shangren power of the same level of Toyo, but facing them, they are not as small as Chen Feng and Tang Ruishan.

It's as if you are facing a Mount Tai. You can't shake it at all.

Shaking can't be one thing, but do you have to choose to be tied?

The answer is No.

Chen Feng knows that Tang Ruishan obviously wants to test himself, and he doesn't reserve it at all. His eyes open and his Qi bursts out all over his body.


Chen Feng only captured the shadow of Tang Ruishan, but it was enough for Chen Feng to fight back. He immediately shot out, but with one punch, he retreated several meters directly, and then stabilized himself.

"Well? Good reaction ability. Come again. "

Tang Ruishan is as stable as Mount Tai, but Chen Feng is shocked because his fists are numb.

But Tang Zhiyou just responded and exclaimed, "Dad..."

He just called out, at the same time, Tang Ruishan body like a wolf like a tiger rushed over, this is the palm.

As soon as the handprint came out, Chen Feng felt as if a force 10 gale was enveloping him. However, his feet showed signs of retrogression.

As soon as he bit his teeth, he used the eight trigrams palm's body and eight trigrams steps, and with the force of nine oxen and two tigers, he turned his body sideways.

Chen Feng's all-out Dodge, Tang Ruishan's palm is still touching Chen Feng's shoulder.


Chen Feng retreated several meters again, the whole shoulder burning pain.

"Well? Bagua palm? Boy, it seems that you have an adventure Tang Ruishan was a little surprised, but soon he was calm.

Tang Ruishan seems to want to come again, Chen Feng immediately clasped his fist and said: "the boy is not talented, ask yourself is not the old Tang's opponent."

Tang Ruishan's eyes flashed a glimmer of appreciation, but he was still expressionless. At this time, Tang Zhiyou finally understood what had happened.

He ran to Chen Feng in front of him, even busy way: "Dad, your bad habits come again."

"He has good physical fitness and excellent skeleton. He can't die. Sit down."

Tang Ruishan turns to the pavilion and signals Chen Feng to come and sit down for tea.

Chen Feng's heart turned white eyes, please you hit a person, can't a bone fine strange so as to be indifferent ah!

I almost died just now!

"Are you all right?" Tang asked.

Chen Feng moved his shoulders and thought that you would be given a round of punches and strokes. If it wasn't for my good foundation, I would be useless now.

"It's OK. I can make it."

When they went to the pavilion, Chen Feng took a deep breath and clasped his fists and said, "Old Tang, if I guess right, you have reached the realm of refining Qi and transforming spirit?"

Tang Ruishan took a sip of tea and said faintly: "that is the highest level of Neijia boxing, but for us martial arts, it is the foundation."


The highest level of family boxing is the foundation for you? Can you stop being so arrogant.

However, Chen Feng knows that Tang Ruishan does have arrogant capital, because just now that two hands, perhaps white out, can not rival!

Tang Zhiyou said speechless: "Chen Feng, don't mind. My father likes to greet people like this when he sees people practicing martial arts."

Chen Fengqiang smiles. This way of greeting guests is really unique

Then, Chen Feng sat down to drink tea, but he had a strange idea in his heart. I didn't know that the master Tang faced the general and the housekeeper. Which of them was more powerful?

"I already know everything about you in Shenchuan. In front of me, you don't have to hide it." Tang RUSI said calmly.

For this, Chen Feng had long expected that Tang Ruishan's strength was too terrible. He felt different from the general and the housekeeper.

I feel that Tang Ruishan is just like an expert in the world.

Tang Zhiyou winked at Chen Feng. Chen Feng took a deep breath and stood up. He bowed and said, "I really treat Xiaoxuan. I hope that old Tang will be successful." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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