He has been at the peak of Qi refining for some time.

This half month's meditation also made him feel that the bottleneck was about to be pierced.

If Neijia boxing wants to break through the realm, it must cooperate by practicing boxing and resting. Of course, there is another fastest way, which is to learn or fight.

This method is the fastest and most effective.

It's enough for us to understand our own shortcomings and have a deeper feeling of the realm in the competition.

However, this so-called speed is relatively speaking. Some people with dull qualifications may stay in the realm of refining Qi and transforming God in their lifetime.

Even, some people can break through the difference in the peak state of refining essence into Qi or refining Qi to transform God, and they can't understand it all their life.

Of course, this has something to do with the miscellaneous Neijia boxing they studied. You should know that there are many branches of the three Neijia boxing. If they branch again, they will not be authentic, and even many of them will be misinterpreted. How can normal breakthroughs be made in this state?

But Chen Feng is different. He has a lot of fighting experience, so his breakthrough is just a matter of course.

In addition, he mainly uses the method of meditation and meditation to break through the realm, supplemented by Nei Jia Quan. It is a matter of time for him to break through the realm through this two pronged approach.

"Old Tang said that they had many enemies, all of them were hidden in the dark, and I had to have strength to protect Xiaoxuan."

Yanjing is a place of crouching tigers and hidden dragons. I feel it from the first time I came to this millennium ancient capital, CHENFENG.

A slovenly old man walking on the street is likely to be a martial arts expert.

Even a dandy like song Xuanze, no one would have thought that his family background was connected with it.

Chen Feng doesn't want to meet an amazing looking old man in the street. He offends people and looks for teeth all over the place.

He will not take the initiative to find trouble, but he has to have a certain strength.

And this is Yanjing, the headquarters of junmen! No one can say that Hua Yuan and the general sent people to look for their own trouble that day.

There is also the so-called Tang clan secret weapon expert who was found by Li Weiyun last time. The water here is too deep. Although Chen Feng is an outsider, he has already had indirect contact with the people in the circle unconsciously.

Return to meditation.

Chen Feng felt that the Qi in his body was swimming faster and faster.

these gases are refined in flesh and blood, and now Chan Feng still can not absorb the essence of sun and moon, thus refining the realm of spiritual power, which is still far away from itself.

However, he is not worried. When he breaks through the practice of refining the spirit and opposing the void, and then breaks through the practice of combining the practice of emptiness and Taoism, he will have a chance to contact the real introductory method of Taoist cultivation.


All of a sudden, it seemed that something had been pierced. All of Chen Feng's flesh, blood, cells and fascia seemed to have a current flowing through his body.

"A breakthrough

Chen Feng opened his eyes, spit out a mouthful of mist, looking very happy.

Refining the spirit and counteracting the void!

He is now a master of Neijia boxing.

He felt that his body seemed more energetic and energetic.

This is the benefit of practicing or practicing Neijia boxing.

This is the result of a physical evolution to a higher level.

"So it is. No wonder that old Tang is actually 70-80 years old, but he looks like he is 50 years old. It turns out that practicing Neijia boxing can improve his vitality

"It's no wonder that ancient emperors and generals all said that they wanted to refine Alchemy to improve their longevity, so as to achieve the benefits of immortality. Especially for those Taoist monks, the longevity yuan is generally very long. "

Chen Feng stood up with some emotion. After a month or two, he finally made a breakthrough.

At this time, a phone call came in. It was a strange phone call. After answering, Qin Yinglong called.

Qin Yinglong said that he wanted to set up a banquet for Chen Feng, saying it was to make amends.

Chen Feng thought that Qin Yinglong flattered himself, but why didn't he need friends in Yanjing?

His nod was a promise.

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