
Song Yuwen suddenly stares at Chen Feng, as if to see through him: "are you still blaming me?"

Chen Feng light smile, way: "blame you what? I don't have the right to blame you. I've forgotten. "

The more indifferent he is, the more song Yuwen feels that Chen Feng must still be bitter about what happened last time.

But she was a young lady's character. She was full of stars. She wanted anything. But it was that thing that made her feel sorry for Chen Feng.

And everybody comes out to play, isn't that it? Add that day's own birthday, or the protagonist, since a scene came, it's not very appropriate to make do with everyone's atmosphere?

Of course, she thanks Chen Feng for her efforts, but she thinks that even without Chen Feng, she can solve the problem as long as she moves out of song Qiuxi.

Looking at Song Yuwen's unwilling but hesitant manner, Chen Feng shakes her head slightly, does not want to say too much, and is ready to leave again.

"Chen Feng!"

Song Yuwen immediately became angry, she said angrily: "I'm talking to you like this. Why are you so stingy? Can you not be so lofty

Chen Feng's eyes become a little cold, his voice is full of a kind of stranger's indifference.

"Song Yuwen, I think you are song Laolao's daughter. I didn't haggle with you. Don't take yourself too high and treat me as worthless."

"People respect each other. I didn't hide from you because I pretended to be noble, but you were in my eyes, and there was no difference between you and ordinary people. Since we are ordinary people, we are not as familiar as friends. "

With that, Chen Feng turns around and leaves, leaving song Yuwen, who is sluggish.

After a long time, song Yuwen sighed, then looked at the figure and shook her head.

"Chen Feng, I admit that you are a little special and skillful, but you and I are not from the same world."

"I appreciate your confidence, but it doesn't mean you can go far. Our resources, circles, and backgrounds are bound to be very different... "


Back in the box, there are two more people in the room, one is a Fei, the other is a middle-aged man in a long gown.

Last time, a Fei was beaten by Chen Feng to vomit blood, but he worked hard to hold it well. A Fei can recover in half a month at the earliest.

But this time, ALFY's hand was broken and bandaged, and his abdomen was also bandaged.

Chen Feng's perspective eye found that a Fei's injury seems to be very serious.

When Chen Feng's eyes fell on the middle-aged man with long clothes, his heart moved.

The middle-aged man's eyes are divine, the whole person's gas is very strong, so sitting on the seat like this, there is a sense of dignity.

Master of Neijia boxing!

"Chen Feng, I'm sorry. Come here. Let me introduce you. This is master yuan. Master yuan is a master of martial arts school that has been inherited for decades. Among the boxers in Yanjing, he still has a lot of prestige. Master yuan, this is Chen Feng, whom you mentioned just now

Chen Feng knew clearly that the banquet was actually a drunkard, not wine.

But he didn't care. He sat down.

Master yuan took a look at Chen Feng and snorted coldly, "boy, I heard that you stepped on Yinglong's field last time. It's true that you are a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. The rivers and lakes are dangerous. It's not something you can get involved in. I suggest you go home."

Chen Feng is stunned instantly, how does this guy train himself with the tone of an elder?

It's like the first time we met today, right?

Qin Yinglong, embarrassed, quickly explained: "brother Chen, I'm sorry, I didn't make it clear to you. I asked master yuan to help, and so are you. Of course, you don't have to do much. Just watch."

Chen Feng understood that the so-called master yuan relied on the old and sold the old. He thought that Qin Yinglong had asked a man of his own strength to help him, but he did not expect that he was such a young man.

Master yuan was highly respected. He was treated with courtesy like a young man. Of course, he was not happy.

What do not need how to hand, watch on the side, this is not equivalent to buy an insurance!

Of course, this is also for master yuan to listen to, do not want to let master yuan lose face.

Chen Feng laughed and did not refute master yuan's words.

Qin Yinglong didn't really want to ask him for help. He was just a foil role.

But Chen Feng doesn't care at all. He guesses vaguely that Qin Yinglong seems to have caused a lot of trouble this time.

He has just made a breakthrough. He would like to see the real Neijia boxing master in Yanjing. You know, there is no such opportunity in Shenchuan!


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