At this time, came a basketball player, but this person looks more handsome.

When this man came over, many girls in the cheerleading team had their eyes lit up.

"Wow! Is that Zheng Hua? How handsome you are

"He is more handsome than the photo. He is worthy of being the captain of our school basketball team."

"I heard that he is not only good at learning, but also a bully in finance department! It would be nice if it was my prince charming

"Dream of you, he is the grass of our school, how can he like you?"

Those cheerleading teams are in a hurry, and the infatuation in their eyes is shown in their eyes.

Wang Yu saw Zheng Hua coming and said, "no, it's just a little thing."

Zheng Hua is about 1.9 meters tall. Standing in front of Chen Feng, he glances at Chen Feng with a kind of indifferent look down. He uses a very generous language way: "the competition is about to start. Don't make trouble."

"Yin Jiazhi, quickly take this guy to go, save the impact of our play." Wang Yu looked disgusted.

With Chen Feng's present state of mind, of course, he won't be able to see these people in the same way. Yin Jiazhi is also pulling Chen Feng away.

"Hoo ~ ~"

Yin Jiazhi took a long breath and said, "although it's a pity, it's good that I hold you, or you'll suffer."

Chen Feng's heart is funny, who suffered disaster do not know!

"The one named Wang Yu just now belongs to you?"

Yin Jiazhi said: "well, like me, I'm a computer major, but he's a sophomore. He's stingy. He's average in learning, but he's the main force in school basketball. The one next to him is fantastic."

"The man named Zheng Hua is the captain of our college basketball team. He has led the team to win the national college basketball court for many times. He is also a sophomore. I heard that when he was a freshman, he had already led the team to win the national championship. He was still MVP and fmvp! He is also a good student. He is a student in the finance department and the school grass-roots of the school of economics and management. Tut, these people are the dream lovers of all girls. However, compared with me, they are still a little bit worse... "

Chen Feng is used to automatically ignore the ending words after Yin Jiazhi.


On Wednesday afternoon, Chen Feng came out of the library and met Yin Jiazhi again.

"Well? There is no class in the whole school this afternoon. Shouldn't you close the dark room? " Chen Feng teased and laughed.

"You have to eat when you close the dark room! If you have enough, you can close it. "

Chen Feng rolled his eyes with a hopeless look.

Two people eat together, full out, Chen Feng see many people are in the same direction.

"What do these people do?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

Yin Jiazhi put up his middle finger, pushed the spectacle frame, looked at Chen Feng, and said scornfully, "so don't be a bookworm in the library all day. At night is the time for all kinds of societies to open classes and teach. At ordinary times, classes are held during the day, and only at night. Therefore, many people will take part in the activities of major associations. The training hall is called Wudao hall. "

"Wudao hall?"

Chen Feng a listen, immediately came to interest.

If we come to the University, apart from reading, what Chen Feng is most interested in is of course this kind of martial arts museum.

Speaking of this, Yin Jiazhi was very proud to say: "just in time, I have signed up for school. I heard that there are new activities and performances in these days, so I'll take you for a walk."

"Are you from Wudao hall? You haven't told me what's inside yet

"You'll know when you go."

It turns out that the so-called martial arts hall, in fact, has extracurricular activities, such as taekwondo, the most popular university in the world.

Of course, there are some Chinese martial arts, even Thai Boxing in Southeast Asia, judo in Oriental countries, and Sanda fighting.

Chen Feng sounded in the martial arts school of Shenchuan University, but walking into it, Chen Feng obviously felt a strong fighting atmosphere.

"Well, it's better than the martial arts school in Shenchuan."

The distribution of the rooms is almost the same, all have signs, the students in the corridor are wearing a variety of clothes, representing their school.

When passing through these rooms, Chen Feng accidentally glanced at them and found that no matter what kind of fighting, those young people were very energetic and their movements were much more regular and fluent than the so-called martial arts school in Shenchuan.

"Let me tell you, there are many clubs in Wudao Hall of our school. Unlike other schools, these clubs don't invite people to teach at will. The coaches who come here to teach here are all international prize winners. There are many boxers, and they are still the presidents here."

Chen Feng moved in his heart and became more interested. He asked, "what about you? Which club. "

"Douji society." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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