Waltz is a kind of modern dance.

And modern dance, and Latin dance, is the national standard dance two project groups.

However, no matter what kind of dance, it is a kind of dance that cooperates, communicates and communicates with one's partner.

If one person picks the wrong one, the other person will be led away and will be greatly affected.

This is a state that requires long-term cooperation, long-term communication, and even a state of understanding and soul. Only in this way can we dance well.

For the talented students of Yan Ying's acting department, they are familiar with this point.

Jia Shanshan said with a smile: "he must be joking. When we took the exam, we had to put a lot of effort into the physical examination and dance learning, not to mention that for a science student, it's a problem whether they can't listen to the beat or not

Wang Yu said with a smile: "it's needless to say that this guy must have come to watch TV dramas. He'll come to Yan Ying academy if he really knows how to waltz."

Zheng Hua looked at the stage with a kind of light eyes and said: "even if he can, he just knows the skin and plays. It's nothing. It's a game in itself."

"It's right to say it's a game. If he said he couldn't dance, he wouldn't be embarrassed by the host if he said he couldn't dance, but now, hahaha! You're going to hit yourself in the foot

Zheng Hua smiles and doesn't say anything, but he agrees with Wang Yu.

He and Su Rou rehearsed for a long time. As soon as they had time to practice, they were able to achieve this level of fluency.

Of course, even if Chen Feng really said that he could dance, others would not ask him with high standards.

"Ah." The backstage song Yuwen sighs and thinks Chen Feng, what's good for you?

Back on the stage.

The host, as well as Su Rou, was obviously stunned for a long time because of Chen Feng's words.

Waltz? Is he really coming?

"Classmate, you Will you? " Asked the host.

"No, but I've seen it." Chen Feng answered truthfully.

There was a lot of laughter and the host was embarrassed. But Chen Feng just wanted to finish it quickly. She went to Su Rou's side and held out her hand -

"may I?"

Su Rou was stunned and said, "will you?"

"I'll cooperate with you later. You don't have to deal with me." Chen Feng smile, learning to look like TV.

Don't know how, Su Rou really stretched out his hand, Chen Feng held it.

No way, the host is helpless to shake his head, since you are determined to make a fool of yourself, can I still stop you?

The music sounds, melodious and slow, with a kind of beautiful lyric feeling.

They whirled from right to left and danced, but the whole venue suddenly became silent.

With the beautiful melody of the dance music, the two people's bodies, whether they are up and down, tilt, swing, or move, all show a kind of ups and downs, gorgeous voltage taste.

This kind of soothing feeling makes the whole venue enveloped in a warm and romantic atmosphere.

"How could..."

Everyone, the jaw of shock is falling.

The dancing posture of the two people seems to be a pair of Rongwei. Both of them are very coherent in terms of cooperation and action.

Yin Jiazhi's surprised spectacle frames are about to fall off.

"This NIMA, this guy, really can..."

Su Rou originally wanted to make do with Chen Feng, but later found that it was Chen Feng who cooperated with her. What she knew was that Chen Feng wanted her to play her best.

But in this way, Chen Feng may not be able to keep up with his own rhythm.

But the fact is, as long as they play well, then Chen Feng can be at the same time skillful, but also to cooperate with each other.

The two were immersed in the romantic dance steps and atmosphere, and the whole venue was quiet.

However, backstage, song Yuwen and Cai Bingyan are stunned. The former does not know how, and there is a kind of lost mood in their hearts.


On the other hand, Zheng Hua's face became more gloomy and ugly. Wang Yu was stunned. Jia Shanshan was the most surprised.

Although she didn't learn from waltz, her posture and movements were still a little awkward, but she could almost catch up with those professional students!

The only drawback is that Chen Feng's dress is a bit of a drag.

At the end of the dance, Chen Feng holds Su Rou's waist in one hand and Su Rou's hand in the other. His whole body tilts, which is a curtain call.


All of a sudden, there was a warm applause in the venue, which was the loudest one in the evening party.

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