On the other side, there are also three men and women looking at this side.

"Hum! I didn't expect that he should be qualified to come in. " Wang Yu's face was very angry.

Jia Shanshan said: "ordinary people are not allowed to enter this appreciation meeting. I also rely on my father and the manager here to know a little bit, so I finally got the tickets."

Zheng Hua saw the communication between Chen Feng and Su Rou just now, as well as Su Rou's manner and eyes. His look was very lost.

I thought that this appreciation would be able to relax and restore self-confidence, but I didn't expect to meet the person who frustrated him again.

Wang Yu took a look at Zheng Hua and winked at Jia Shanshan. The former said, "in my opinion, this guy must have sneaked in. He is definitely a mixed eater. I have to report him."

Zheng Hua didn't mean to stop him, but Jia Shanshan said: "don't worry. The appreciation meeting has not started yet. Go to expose him later."

"Hehe, by that time, he will be taken out."

Wang Yuxuan patted Zheng Hua on the shoulder and said, "don't be like this. If you look at the boy himself, there must be no one to accompany him in. You will know that he is different from our circle."

Jia Shanshan said, "come on, Zheng Hua. I'll take you to meet some of my friends."

"Well." Hearing this, Zheng Hua recovered a little.

More and more people came, mostly from the upper class of Yanjing, and then took their children to the appreciation meeting.

It is not so much an appreciation meeting as a disguised social gathering.

As you can see, the venue is divided into two groups, one is the upper middle class people of a certain age, and the other is of course the younger group.

Yanjing, after all, is a big city. With a little status and reputation, we can get to know each other through friends.

They all lay the foundation for the future circle, so there is nothing to blame.

Because of this, Chen Feng, sitting alone at a table, is "lonely".

More and more people cast strange eyes at him.

"Who is this boy? In vain

"Look at his poor clothes, how can you let him in? Or who brought it in? "

"Stupid? It won't be so shabby to bring it in? My servants are better dressed than he is

"See? Was that song Yuwen and Suo Rou? Yan Ying's star character, I can't imagine that this person has something to do with Yan Ying? "

Although Su Rou and song Yuwen are still students, they are also very popular among young people in Yanjing because of their appearance, resources and participation in various performances before graduation.

Suddenly someone exclaimed in surprise.

"Why? No, it seems that he studied medicine in Yanjing University? I saw it at the party last time. It seems that I still dance with Su Rou

Many people feel some frown and shake their heads. They think it is just a flower planted in cow dung.

One of them, who was also a member of Yanying college, was also a second-generation rich man who snorted coldly: "if Qian Yurong knew about it, he would have to tear it down."

People look at me and I look at you, as if they all know how big Qian Yurong is.

For a moment, many people seemed to be watching the excitement.

In the crowd, a young man in a casual suit came to the three of Zheng Hua with a glass of wine.

This man is from the Taekwondo Club of Yanying college. His name is Qi Hao. He is from the director department of Yanying college. His family is engaged in trade business. His family also has a little face in Yanjing. After knowing the name of Zheng Hua in the fighting Technology Society of Yanjing University, he once came to challenge Zheng Hua, but was defeated by Zheng Hua in ten moves. He also admired Zheng Hua.

"Qi Hao, you are here too." Zheng Hua said hello, or no spirit.

Qi Hao took the scene just now in his eyes, glanced at Chen Feng in the corner, then turned back and asked, "last time, this boy beat you?"

Wang Yu snorted coldly: "Qi Hao, which pot are you really not open to mention! Can't you say something happy? "

"Happy words? I do. There's good news about that kid. Do you want to listen? "

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