Yanjing and Shenchuan have the same group of rich second generation, but different from that, Yanjing has a long history, which is more huge than those of the rich second generation in deep Sichuan.

For example, zhuorechen, the young master of Yuanfeng international auction group, is almost the upper level of the rich second generation group in Yanjing.

"I didn't expect that. Zhuozao came." Some girls have light in their eyes.

If the rich second generation of this upper class can realize, it is proper for their personal relationship or life-long happiness!

"Qian Yurong, you are here." Zhuorechen called.

Qian Yurong and Zhuo Ruichen have a little friendship. The latter visited Qian family before, which is known.

"Zhuorechen, what are you doing, is it difficult to be a party?" Qian said coldly.

He is in a dilemma now, and he is quite upset. Now there is another person who has indirect relationship with qinyinglong. Of course, he will not have any good face.

Zhuorechen said with a smile: "you misunderstood, I am here to ensure that the appreciation meeting is going on normally, manager Ding."

Manager Ding is the general manager next to him. He stands out and says to Chen Feng, "please show me your invitation, sir."

"Well? There is another good play to watch. " Wang Yu is on this side of the heart disaster and happiness.

This Zhuo Ruichen is not on the side of Chen Feng, it seems to help Qian Yurong to get back face!

Qin Yinglong was stunned, and then frowned: "zhuorechen, what do you mean?"

Is this not equivalent to Qin Yinglong just said that is set?

Zhuoreichen hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Mr. Qin, don't misunderstand, I am not targeting who. I know my father and you are friends, but my father also handed me this scene tonight. I need to manage it well and I will be fair and public. Mr. Qin doesn't want me to behave badly, which has damaged the reputation of our group, and then he scolded me? "

Qin Yinglong was a bit of a poet, but he was not angry.

Many people show strange faces, their hearts are clear.

What is not for who, said is fair and public, but all know you are here to help Qian Yurong.

And just now they talked about it, they all said that Chen Feng did not have an invitation. I think zhuorechen must have checked the computer before he came. Otherwise, how could he show his invitation so sure?

What is this not a prepared one?

"I don't have an invitation." Chen Feng shook his head.

Qian Yurong is also clear in his heart, cold eyes and stare at Chen Feng, did not speak.

Su Rou's face changed, and coco song shook his head slightly. Seeing Chen Feng's reaction, they had already guessed what.

"This gentleman, because you are in a high-end place privately, we will give it to the police according to the rules," said manager Ding

Chen Feng frowned, but zhuorechen said: "manager Ding, this is Mr. Qin's friend. I think he is heartless. Forget it. Let him go."

Qin Yinglong is the most embarrassed one, and of course the most angry one.

Just now, I said that I would like to protect Chen Feng, but now I can't do anything.

What else could he do?

People do it according to the rules. You don't have an invitation, and who is not the group company. It is not directly related. It is difficult to give you the privilege?

"Why does Qian Yurong not use it, Chen Feng wants it?" Su Rou asked, with a little red, and unadulterated.

Zhuorechen explained with a smile: "Oh, forget to say, he is invited by me."

Manager Ding said, "the invited friend of the young master doesn't need an invitation."

It is clear that there is no identity, even the invitation card has no one to steal in. Zhuorechen does not alarm is very good for Qin Yinglong.

This not only gave Qian Yurong steps, but also gave qinyinglong a face.

Qian Yurong is not a narrow-minded person, even if Su Rou has been helping Chen Feng, he also did not open up.

If he still sneers on a few feet, then not let Su Rou hate himself more?

At least now, the boy in front of me has no advantage over himself.

"No identity is the loss of the person, this kid embarrassed, ha ha!" Wang Yu said with a smile.

Zheng Hua has a lot of fun in his heart, invisible, as if he had a breath to Shh out.

"The circle of the upper class society, never can be squeezed in by ordinary people." Jiashanshan said softly.

Song Yuwen doesn't know what to say at this time.

Chen Feng, said that she knew, said not know also familiar, why do you know today?

"Mr. Chen, please."

Two security guards have come here, and the whole scene is looking at it.

Chen Feng didn't speak. He wondered if he would like to say Tang Zhiyou's name, but what if Tang Zhiyou's name doesn't work?Isn't that a problem for Tang Zhiyou and Tang family moves?

After thinking about it, Chen Feng shook his head and moved his steps.

He didn't want to stay here. He was very uncomfortable with the people around him and their faces.

"Chen Feng..." Qin Yinglong called anxiously.

This time, he wanted to sell face to Chen Feng, but he didn't expect that it was a move short of chess.

There is a big local family, Qian family, a local villain. What else can he say?

"Let's go."

Chen Feng nodded to him to show that he understood his intention.

The whole audience shows contempt. Su Rou wants to say something and is quietly pulled over by Cai Bingyan.

At this time, a figure of the gate came in a hurry, with some sweat on his forehead. Seeing Chen Feng walking towards the door, he ran over quickly.

"Fourth master?" Qin Yinglong was stunned and called.

"Chen Feng? Where are you going The middle-aged man called the fourth master ignored him, but asked Chen Feng.

"Go home."

The middle-aged man was shocked and said, "go home? As soon as I come, you leave? "

Chen Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "they said I didn't have an invitation to go back."

On hearing this, the fourth master was furious and roared: "who the hell told him to go back? Get out of here for me!"

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