In Yanjing, there are three obvious families that can not be provoked, Song family, Tang family, and Qian family.

These three families, known as Yanjing most powerful and most powerful local family.

Song family, from political figures, official posts to leaders' escort assistant, made Song family in the official field.

There is a saying in Yanjing, as long as it is official, direct, indirect, and Song family.

As long as Song family thinks, even if you are a common person on the side of the road, you can be promoted.

Tang family, the most profound, but deep is not the right, but the Tang family of force.

It is said that Tang family has been the rank of general of martial arts since ancient times. In the Republic of China, this generation is a master of boxers.

Of course, it is known to all the people outside the circle that tangruishan is the first in Yanjing. But the talents in the circle know that the title of tangruishan is much worse than the boxer.

The Tang family is famous for its reputation and force. They have a cover up in the face of it: Tang Group, the largest group in Yanjing, has gone overseas and has subsidiaries in cities of capital level in China.

If the fear of Song family lies in the rights and the terrible of Tang family, it is in financial resources. Then the terrible thing about the money family lies in their armed forces.

It can be said that the three families of Yanjing have their own tangible details, but the terrible strength in the dark is what everyone is afraid of.

This is even if the young master like zhuorechen, who knows the unknown strength of the three families in the underground world, so he is so afraid of the relationship between tangzhiyou.

The famous man of the four masters is still popular in the antique world, auction world or black world. But he is more afraid of the Tang family behind the three families behind tangzhiyou.

The first shock on the other side, of course, is coco Soong.

He knew that Chen Feng had a relationship with her father, but what he didn't expect was that the fourth master of Tang family, and Chen Feng, were friends.

Chen Feng saw the face of the whole scene, but also a little surprised, he did not expect Tang Zhiyou fame so big.

He certainly didn't know what was called the three families, but his face soon recovered.

"Chen Feng, I'm sorry. I'm late. They didn't do anything to you, right Asked questions of concern to tangzhiyou.

If Chen Feng had not come to Yanjing before, he had only one kind of elder concern for his younger generation, and a kind of admiration for treasure assurance ability, there would be only one appreciation.

But the situation is different now. Tang Ruishan agrees that Chen Feng and tangxiaoxuan can communicate with each other. Meanwhile, Chen Feng's medical skills are so brilliant. In addition, tangruishan secretly said to him that, in the meantime, Chen Feng's accomplishments will surely overtake tangruishan. In this way, Chen Feng will definitely be a close friend with him later!

He knew that among the people in the circle, the martial arts of Tang Ruishan were very powerful. How many respected his father because of this.

And if Chen Feng can catch up with tangruishan one day, sooner or later, Yanjing will be turned over!

After all, Chen Feng is still so young, whether boxing or medical skills, are so talented. In time, Chen Feng's reputation is definitely resounding the whole Yanjing.

Of course, he invited Chen Feng to come tonight, of course, but also selfish. He is a fan of antique collection. Now Chen Feng is besieged by so many people and must be driven out. That is, he can not greet him in place.

You said you invited people, now they are not here, but the people they invite are treated like this. How does Tang Zhiyou feel good?

Chen Feng looked at zhuorechen and said, "no, it's just some boring people."

Zhuorechen has, and said with a dry smile, "Mr. Chen, I just had an eye on Mount Tai. Please don't blame me..."

Tangzhiyou appeared very angry, a big hand waved, said: "needless to say, I will tell your father that you start from low."

This makes zhuorechen face stiff, the whole person seems to be pulled down from heaven. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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