The appreciation meeting held by Yuanfeng international is open to all kinds of exhibits. But since it has not started yet, some precious items, such as galleries and jewelry rooms, are closed, so everyone gathered in the hall to wait.

Tang Zhiyou doesn't speak, and looks at Zhuo Ruichen.

The latter moved in his mind and did not think about it. He said, "yes, of course. Mr. Chen is a distinguished guest of the fourth master and also of our Yuanfeng. Please come here."

Zhuo Ruichen and the general manager personally lead the way, and Chen Feng and Tang Zhiyou, as well as Qin Yinglong, also follow.

And the back of the field is dead, staring at this scene.

At this moment, the mobile phone in Chen Feng's pocket suddenly vibrated. He took it up and saw that it was the information of Taibai Venus.

Chen Feng said: "you go first, I'll go to the bathroom."

"Manager Ding." Zhuo Ruichen called.

Mr. Ding is the general manager. He hastily said, "Mr. Chen, this way."

Chen Feng went to the toilet, closed the door and looked at the information.

Taibai Jinxing: "Chen Xian, I feel that the spirit weapon is near you."

Chen Feng's heart is very happy, this time really came to the right place.

Chen Feng: "good!"

"In this way, the armor should be in the antique room."

Chen Feng secretly thought that Tang Zhiyou had time. Otherwise, he left in a fit of anger and might miss it.

As soon as he came out, the mobile phone vibrated again.

Chen Feng: "what's wrong, too white?"

Taibai Jinxing: "Chen Xian, don't worry. Listen to me, there is spirit spirit smell around here, but do you remember what I said? Be careful. "

Chen Feng remembered that Taibai Jinxing said that the spirit tool might attract some "practitioners" to come.

Chen Feng: "OK, I will be careful, but here are all my own people, it's OK."

Chen Feng thought that if there was really danger, he would have felt it for a long time. You know, he is also a half monk!

After Chen Feng came out, he was led by the manager to the antique collection room.

The room is very large, like a library. There are many antiques on the shelves.

After Chen Feng came, Zhuo Ruichen was obviously trying to explain the antiques, as if hoping that Tang Zhiyou would be merciful.

Half of the price of the antique, Qin Yinglong lead, but it is through the identification of Tang Zhiyou, Yuanfeng international won.

"This exhibit was auctioned by my father from abroad. It's said that it's from the Warring States period."

"This Tang tricolor was traded with an antique collector in xiangdao."

"This is a blood jade that our group received. It is said that it was worn by an emperor of the northern and Southern Dynasties..."

The room is full of antiques, and Chen Feng is dazzled.

Tang Zhiyou said: "Chen Feng, don't be surprised. Here is Yuanfeng's antique collection warehouse."

Chen Feng was surprised: "isn't it a lot of manpower and material resources to transport it?"

Qin Yinglong took the message and said, "yes, it was delivered several times by helicopter in batches."

Looking at Zhuo Ruichen with a smile and a modest appearance, Qin Yinglong said, "Yuanfeng still has some details, just a little can't be a man."

Zhuo Ruichen knew that Qin Yinglong was still angry about what he had just done. He said with a smile: "what Mr. Qin taught me is that I am young and have eyes and I don't know Mount Tai. I still need your care in the future."

Tang Zhiyou and Qin Yinglong don't speak. Chen Feng looks at these curios in silence, ignoring Zhuo Ruichen.

Zhuo Ruichen is sweating secretly. It seems that all three of them have not forgiven themselves!

His Zhuo Ruichen's eyes are on Chen Feng. He knows how to observe his words and looks. He knows that since Tang Zhiyou and Qin Yinglong both value this person so much, flattering him is the key!

Zhuo Ruichen was born and raised in Yanjing. Even he doesn't know who this person is. He thinks that it's hard for him to be a member of the hidden family?

Looking at his clothes and his thin temperament, he is likely to be a young master who has just entered the market!

Otherwise, how could Qian Yurong target him? Even Tang Zhiyou lost his temper for him?

Zhuo Ruichen thought more and more likely. He took a step and said with a smile, "Mr. Chen, I don't know what kind of treasure you like. If you like it, you can take it directly." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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