Chen Feng's face was full of joy. It was this rag like thing that touched his heart as if he had a hot connection.

"I'll take this leather armor."

Chen Feng looked at Zhuo Ruichen and said, "no problem?"

Zhuo Ruichen was stunned and immediately responded: "no problem, of course not."

Zhuo Ruichen's heart is also in bloom, this leather armor they basically did not spend money to take back, have sought so many experts to identify whether it is a treasure.

Since you are going to go, of course, it would be better to save us a precious antique.

Manager Ding is also relieved, but he is also curious about Chen Feng's choice of this thing, is it not a treasure they did not find?

Mr. Chen Zhuo asked again, "do you really want to be disappointed? We have other better... "

"No, just it." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Zhuo Ruichen's heart is relieved, just that words of course is polite words!

In this way, Yuanfeng international auction group will lose a treasure!

Qin Yinglong asked curiously, "brother Chen, this What is it, baby

"Said you don't understand." Chen Feng said, and then looked at the leather armor.

This is the spirit tool of Taibai Jinxing! If you put it on, you can be invulnerable!

At that time, it was hard for everyone to think of the scene of peach blossom deep in his heart?

But he didn't care so much. Chen Feng likes it.

Because of the spirit tool, Chen Feng is certainly inconvenient to say to them.

Now that he got what he wanted, Chen Feng didn't want to stay here.

Then, Chen Feng is to help Tang Zhiyou identify a few pieces of antique, and then the party is out.

At this time, the appreciation meeting was about to start, and the party also came out.

At this time, there was a sudden noise in the hall.

"What's the matter, bah! What kind of wine is this! It's just like water. Is it for people to drink? "

I saw a middle-aged man in his fifties, wearing a tattered Taoist uniform, a hat and shoes, surrounded by several security guards.

At this time, the Taoist held the red wine bottle in his hand, and he thought that red wine was hard to drink.


The Taoist priest left the red wine on the ground, looking very dissatisfied.

"What spicy chicken stuff? This wine is not as good as boiled water. Come on, bring a bottle of daughter red." The Taoist priest's face was a little crimson, as if he was drunk.

As soon as Chen Feng and others came out, they thought of the man who was drunk to make trouble.

"What are you doing? Get him out of here Seeing this, manager Ding immediately cheered.

The security guards immediately rushed to the ground, but only heard the sound of "bang bang bang". All the five or six security guards were knocked down on the ground, suffering unbearably.

The crowd was shocked and looked at the Taoist priest in horror.

The Taoist priest was drunk and said with a smile: "do I have no strength to bind a chicken to bully me? You can't catch me for a hundred. "

Zhuo Ruichen's face turned red. This head just flattered Chen Feng, but someone came here to make trouble. When he was seen, didn't he say that Yuanfeng international was not good at doing things?

"Call the police! Get this man out of here Zhuo Ruichen gives an order.

"Cops? I'm not afraid of the old way, eh? Young man, I think you are familiar with it

The old Taoist priest said, walking drunkenly and staggering towards Chen Feng. He said that to Chen Feng just now.

Qin Yinglong frowned and asked, "Chen Feng, do you know him?"

Chen Feng shakes his head. He doesn't know any Taoist at all, but he doesn't know why. Seeing this Taoist, he has a dangerous feeling in his heart.

Tang Zhiyou opened his mouth and said, "the old gentleman only needs wine. Ruichen, give him a bottle of good wine to send away."

Zhuo Ruichen nodded, more like an order. At this time, the old Taoist priest rushed to Chen Feng's face, and then snatched the leather armor from Chen Feng's hand, and then rushed out of the door.

The crowd did not react, but Chen Feng's face changed greatly. He suddenly woke up and stamped his feet.

"This guy turned out to be a thief!"

He was frightened and angry. The old Taoist was fake in his drunken madness. His purpose was to hurt his spirit weapon!

Chen Feng step out, like a cheetah is chasing up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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