Dinner time is coming soon. Tang Xiaoxuan doesn't seem to be surprised that Tang Lihong comes back. Her face is still a little cold.

Tang Lihong's mouth moved, but he was still unable to speak.

Tang Ruishan shook his head in secret, and he did not say anything.

Tang Zhiyou has some tears and laughs. Under this kind of seven points, he is not easy to say anything.

But Chen Feng, the most embarrassing is him.

At that time, because of Tang Xiaoxuan's headache, Tang Lihong's wife, that is, Tang Xiaoxuan's mother, died when she was born, and then even her third uncle who came back later died in a terrible accident.

In this way, Tang Ruishan and Tang Lihong had a love hate relationship with Tang Xiaoxuan.

Especially Tang Lihong, as a father, didn't give much love to Tang Xiaoxuan.

Just imagine how lonely Tang Xiaoxuan was at that time when her mother had already passed away?

Therefore, whether Tang Lihong or Tang Ruishan, they still have a lot of guilt about Tang Xiaoxuan.

Of course, relatively speaking, the relationship between Tang Ruishan and Tang Xiaoxuan is relatively relaxed.

Tang Lihong has been managing the family business outside for a long time. Tang Ruishan has always retired at home. Therefore, Tang Xiaoxuan is also indifferent to her grandfather, but it is not alienated.

After all, I get along with less, so my feelings are weak.

Chen Feng secretly worried, this can not go on like this, but his future father-in-law!

Do you want a father and a daughter to talk?

Tang Zhiyou saw what Chen Feng was meditating on. He winked at him and shook his head slightly.

It seems to be saying that they are two father and daughter's affairs, you don't interfere, or you can't even eat!

Chen Feng thought for a while, and there was no good way.

After all, I'm an outsider after all. It's the business of the father and daughter. It seems that I'm a little nosy!

And Tang Lihong didn't even look at himself!

In that case, first of all, Tang Lihong must face up to himself and admit his "son-in-law" identity, and then he can repair the relationship between him and Tang Xiaoxuan.

Chen Feng was originally invited to dinner, but because of Tang Lihong's return, the atmosphere was cold and cold.

With Tang Lihong's identity and status, as well as his relationship with Tang Xiaoxuan, of course, he will not take the initiative to ask Chen Feng.

Therefore, this meal, eat is very quiet, Chen Feng even grilled rice do not dare to force.

"I'm full."

After half a bowl of rice, Tang Xiaoxuan gets up and goes upstairs first. Tang Ruishan and Tang Lihong are indifferent, but Chen Feng is stunned.

Do you mean to be full or not? I just took two mouthfuls of rice myself!

Tang Zhiyou glared at Chen Feng and exclaimed, "Chen Feng, you have almost eaten it. The roof is big. Go and blow the wind."

Chen Feng wakes up, but he doesn't move. His face is red and red.

What a joke! My father-in-law and my grandfather didn't speak up!

You're a fourth uncle, you don't mean what you say!

Tang Ruishan said with a smile, "go up, I'll have the food left."

The person who has lived a lifetime is still an old man who knows the truth!

Chen Feng looked at Tang Lihong with some thanks in his eyes and said, "Yue Father in law You, you eat slowly... "

Then he ran up the stairs.

Tang Lihong has been eating from beginning to end, ignoring.

When two people went upstairs, Tang Zhiyou helplessly said: "elder brother, you can't be so stiff faced."

Tang Lihong asked, "is it difficult for me to give Xiaoxuan to someone with a smile?"

Tang Zhiyou spoke for Chen Feng and said: "in fact, I think Chen Feng is also very good. In addition to having no family background, he is also One-minded to Xiaoxuan."

"Old four, did you take that boy for any good?" Tang Lihong asked lightly.

On hearing this, Tang Zhiyou said, "what are you talking about, brother?"!? Xiaoxuan is still my niece

He was muttering in his heart that peach blossom spring jadeite was not a benefit?

Tang Ruishan also said: "since Xiaoxuan is back, and Chen Feng is here, I believe she will understand sooner or later. Give them some time to eat, and there will be people coming later."

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