"Master he, please." Ye Qinghai said respectfully.

Master he is a white haired old man in his sixties.

The crowd began to quiet down and looked at him seriously.

As you know, the artifact itself is a rare and rare thing. Now that someone has discovered it and is willing to sell it, they must identify it clearly.

Ye Qinghai introduced: "master he is a famous geomantic master in xiangdao. Master he is good at finding the dragon and pressing the acupoints, or pursuing good fortune and avoiding evil. In particular, master he has studied the identification and opening of Fengshui treasures. "

Ye Qinghai introduced so, these big men nodded in succession. After all, he is the helmsman of one of the three families in xiangdao, and the person invited is certainly not an ordinary person.

But Cao Yuandong's face is disdainful, just face Ye Qinghai, he did not say.

Although he is a local tyrant, he still knows who can offend and who can't.

Master he took out a compass from his worn one shoulder schoolbag. He held the compass in one hand and stretched it out. It was suspended on the top of the box with jade pendant.

Then master he closed his eyes and murmured. All the people did not dare to speak. They watched the scene quietly.

The rich people in xiangdao believe in geomantic geomancy. The compass is the most widely used geomantic omen master.

Therefore, even if they are laymen, they are also staring at the continuously rotating pointer on the compass.

In a room of the Tang family villa, Tang Ruishan and Tang Lihong are also staring at the high-definition screen in front of them.

The hall is equipped with monitoring. Instead of showing up, they are watching what happened in the hall inside the room.

Even Tang Ruishan, a martial artist, did not know how. Looking at this scene, his mind began to get nervous.

"Dad, do you think this jade pendant is a real spirit weapon?" Tang Lihong asked.

Tang Ruishan nodded and said, "when the box was opened just now, I observed some people's reactions, especially the master he beside Qinghai and the expert next to Cao Yuandong. They all responded. They should not be wrong."

Tang Lihong's face was overjoyed, and he said, "so

His words just fell, master he on the screen opened his eyes, put away the compass, and then slightly shook his head.

"I'm not good enough in Taoism. I only know that it's a spirit tool. As for how to find out the special features of this spirit tool, I can't do anything about it."

Ye Qinghai originally expected the face, suddenly is some disappointment.

"No matter what, master he, you have done your best." Tang Zhiyou comforted.

"Ha ha, yes, just try your best. After all, Tao Xing is not something you just talk about."

As soon as Cao Yuandong opened his mouth, many people's faces were strange. Master he's face was unhappy, but he didn't speak.

Cao Yuandong said with pride: "in this case, please let me invite the experts to have a look, master Bi, please."

Master Bi is the old man with black hair. When the box was opened just now, he just opened it, and then he continued to keep his eyes closed. It was a full of airs.

However, Chen Feng couldn't help but take a look at it.

Master Bi stood up, then looked at master he, and said faintly, "with your Taoist conduct, you can see that this is a spiritual instrument, which is barely qualified. It has not lost the face of Fengshui master."

He said this, even ye Qinghai, an old man, who seldom loses his temper, also shows some indifference.

The big men are also surprised, this person, good big tone!

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