
Tang Ruishan pointed to Chen Feng on the screen. Tang Lihong frowned and said, "this boy is basically like this from the beginning to now. Dad, you don't believe him?"

To tell you the truth, Tang Lihong has no prejudice against Chen Feng. Even after listening to Tang Ruishan's evaluation, he still has some expectations for Chen Feng.

With Tang Zhiyou's strong recommendation, he also wants to see what Chen Feng has done.

Therefore, when he entered the room just now to watch the monitoring, he also paid attention to Chen Feng.

From the manner, posture and temperament, Chen Feng is really too humble. There is no way for Tang Lihong to look at Chen Feng.

Now, everyone has decided that it is a spirit tool. Master Bi has activated it. Why does this boy look so cool?

Are you really capable or fake?

Tang Ruishan thought for a moment and said, "don't worry, look down."

Tang Lihong nodded and did not say anything.

Back to the lobby.

Cao Yuandong looked like a treasure, with stars in his eyes, and said with pride, "how, master Bi is so good? I'm not afraid to tell you that master Bi is the master I've been looking for in Taoist temples for a long time! Decades of practice is certainly not comparable to ordinary people. "

This made master he blush, but master he humbly arched his hand and said, "in front of master Bi, I'm really nothing. Just now, some Guan Gong played swords in front of him. Please don't blame master Bi. "

Master Bi put the jade pendant back into the box, waved the broad sleeve robe, and said, "it's not easy for you to know spiritual power with your Taoist conduct. You haven't been fooling around for years."

After that, master Bi closed his eyes again and continued to meditate. The appearance of a virtuous man made many big men dare not breathe.

Master he gave a bitter smile. He could not refute it. He lowered his head and did not speak. He looked as if he had been ten years old.

In fact, when he was sixty years old, he was not as ashamed as his master when he was 60 years old.

Chen fengduan sat on the stool without saying a word.

It's not that master Bi's hand is not amazing, but at the first sight, he felt the fluctuation of his spiritual power.

So just now master Bi's hand, as if he had anticipated, did not have any posture fluctuation.

Because he was thinking about a problem.

"In this human body, it's like psychic power, but it's not very deep..."

"In this way, he should be only half a monk. His spiritual power is the same as his inner strength, but he can't reach the level of martial spirit. It's just because it's the cultivation of the Tao that generates one, two, three, and all things, so at the level, it feels more powerful than the inner strength. "

Chen Feng understood the reason.

The spiritual power of Taoist cultivation is the most orthodox. The so-called Qi of other traditional Chinese medicine, the internal strength of Neijia boxing, or the spiritual power used by martial artists, are just a branch of Taoist spiritual power.

If we have to divide it into different levels, the Taoist spiritual power is one level, and then there is the martial spirit power, internal strength and Qi.

Of course, in terms of Taoist spiritual power, it can be subdivided into a hierarchy.

Chen Feng, for example, is the most orthodox. It is the top level of the pyramid. Master Bi's spiritual power is the one at the bottom of the pyramid. It's not even in the stream. It's the foundation.

Tang Ruishan is not a spiritual pyramid like Chen Feng, but a different kind of pyramid.

Of course, another kind of pyramid is at most the auxiliary tower of the orthodox pyramid, and the highest height is not as high as Chen Feng.

Of course, this is the level of spiritual power. As for which one is stronger or weaker, it depends on cultivation.

Just like Chen Feng's Taoism level is the most orthodox, but in terms of cultivation, Chen Feng's Taoism is only half a bucket of water. Even the internal strength of Nei Jia Quan is no more than refining spirit and anti virtual economy. Tang Ruishan's strength is completely crushing him.

The unorthodox mountain stronghold spirit power like master Bi is only a little higher than internal strength in momentum and temperament, and its essential strength is equivalent to internal strength.

Chen Feng guessed that, in terms of strength, master Bi's spiritual power is just equivalent to the peak of Qi refining and spirit transforming. It is a big difference from Zhu Ning's spirit refining and anti emptiness, let alone compared with himself.

"From this point of view, the cultivation skills on earth should be very scarce, even incomplete, so that it is difficult to reach the grand hall. Even if the spirit power of a warrior reaches the top, it is impossible to reach the height of orthodox Taoism because of the lack of innate cultivation skills. "

Chen Feng thought that master Kebi was a real man of cultivation, but he was still a little disappointed.

"It's a thousand miles away from that old drunkard."

At this time, the boss of Jinxi opened his mouth and said, "everyone, I'm in a hurry. Can I ask for a price?"

People are eager to try, and they are bound to take pictures of this spirit weapon."Wait a minute!"

Cao Yuandong called out, and everyone looked at the past. The former sneered at Tang Zhiyou and said, "it seems that someone wants to sit and enjoy it! Tang Zhiyou, the young man you invited didn't speak during the whole process. I think he looks very disdainful. Does he think he is more powerful than master Bi whom I invited? "

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