All the people are standing up, that kind of indifferent eyes, all fell on Cao Yuandong.

Cao Yuandong's heart is dark hate, a kind of heart that wants to die.

It's like being an ant and facing a group of giants.

He is rich, but this is not his territory!

"Don't listen to him I, I don't know him... " Cao Yuandong is dead, duck's mouth is hard, bite teeth to say.

Boss Shen was stunned, then he was surprised and angry: "Cao Yuandong, you are a devil! At the beginning, you told me that you wanted to change hands on a jade pendant of spirit weapon and sell it to me for 20 million yuan. I had no research on these things. It was you! It's you who put forward the plan and asked me to send out the news. At that time, you will help me to raise the price to at least several hundred million yuan, and then remove 20 million yuan, and then we will divide the rest. You are actually tearing down the bridge now! "

As soon as he said this, all the big men's faces changed dramatically.


Tang Zhiyou took the lead to express his anger. A palm was patted on the table, and the whole table was sunken with a palm print.

Tang Zhiyou doesn't practice martial arts, but he still has some Kung Fu and self-cultivation skills with him for years.

The power of his hand was enough to show how angry he was.

Tang Zhiyou was furious and said, "good, Cao Yuandong! You have argued with me many times, I don't care about you, but this time, you even count on us! What else do you have to say? "

"Cao Yuandong, I didn't expect that you are such a person. I misread you. I said Ye Qinghai. If you don't give an account today, if you don't take any action, I will definitely not show mercy to you!" Ye Qinghai Li Sheng Road.

Even if the final bidding price reaches hundreds of millions, it is not worth mentioning in terms of the property of the big men here.

The key is that Cao Yuandong tried to use 20 million yuan to exchange for a huge amount of money, even hundreds of millions of money. This is simply a white wolf with empty hands!

Cao Yuandong not only took boss Shen into the water, but also regarded boss Shen as a smoke screen. In fact, he was the biggest winner.

Cao Yuandong was so shocked by the occasion that he couldn't speak. His eyes begged to master Bi.

At this time, master Bi's eyes darkened, and a terrible sense of killing enveloped him.

"Boy, you are so smart that you can see this bureau. I don't know the aura just now. What's your opinion?" Master Bi raised his head, sipped the uncertain look in his eyes and stared at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng said faintly: "it's just a small skill. This jade pendant has been used by you. Is it a gathering spirit array? Otherwise, how can boss Shen have the courage to take out an ordinary jade pendant here? "

The people's expressions were shocked again. So it is. The jade pendant is really jade. It's good, but master Bi did it!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Master Bi laughed three times. Then, his eyes were cold and he said in a cold voice: "very good, boy, you can see so thoroughly. It seems that I still underestimate you."

In the whole hall, a group of people felt a chill. All of them could not help but step back several meters.

To be exact, he was forced to retreat by master Bi's chill.

On both sides of the table, Chen Feng and master Bi were looking at each other.

Everyone's faces were frightened. Although they knew that the trick was played by Cao Yuandong and master Bi, master bi was not an ordinary person!

He was able to apply the ordinary jade pendant to this array, and once almost turned a piece of jade into a spirit weapon, which almost concealed everyone. Master Bi's skill can be seen!

This kind of person is not an ordinary person. Isn't Chen Feng going to suffer?

Chen Feng looked fearless, calm, as if still interested, and said: "how? Do you still want to kill people? "

Tang Zhiyou's face changed and he called out that it was terrible! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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