Seeing master Bi's reaction, everyone knows that master Bi is not a man or a woman.

Ye Qinghai made his eyes at his men. All the bodyguards ran behind master Bi.

Master Bi ignored all the ten or twenty people behind him, because Chen Feng was the only one in his eyes.

However, when master Bi saw Chen Feng's calm face and relaxed manner, his killing intention became more intense.

"Boy, you can see through my plan. Compared with you, you also have two sons. In this case, I will let you die to understand."

As soon as the words fell, master bi was reciting words and holding the formula. A strange scene appeared. Suddenly, a whirlpool appeared in the palm of his hand.

Yes, it's the whirlpool. The whirlpool is spinning. The atmosphere of the whole hall has changed again and become extremely light.

"Tao FA!"

Master he's pupils shrank. He didn't speak just now because he was wondering whether master bi was really just a warlock in the lake. But now it seems that he is wrong.

Master he sighed and said, "it's really Daoism. Compared with other geomantic geomantic omens and ghost Valley Daoism, it's just a little bit of a witch."

Master Bi said coldly and haughtily, "is Tao Dharma something that ordinary people can touch, but if you see me today, even if you die, you will die without regret."

All the people looked frightened, and even the bodyguards who surrounded them just now were scared out of their wits and retreated away one after another.

Tao FA!

This is only in legend!

Seeing master Bi ready to deal with Chen Feng, Tang Zhiyou said in a sharp voice, "Cao Yuandong, stop it! If my father comes, none of you can escape! "

Cao Yuandong was also alarmed. He didn't expect master Bi to say that he would do it!

To tell you the truth, he can't afford to offend the Tang family, but master Bi is even more infuriated!

Master Bi raised her eyebrows and took a look at Tang Zhiyou. The latter was staring at him like this, and his fur exploded in an instant.

"Does Yanjing call Old Tang your father?"


Tang Zhiyou said in a hurry, move out of his father, maybe the other side will give face.

"Hurry up..."

Who knows, master Bi's face suddenly became cold and said, "I don't have a grudge against old Tang, but this boy has ruined my good deeds. If I let him go, how can I be worthy of my practice?"

Tang Zhiyou's face changed dramatically, and he called out in his heart.

"Boy, some people want to pay for what they have said and done. This is the method of Daoism inspired by spiritual power. When death comes to an end, what do you want to say?"

As soon as the whirlpool with the aura of spiritual power appeared, even ye Qinghai, there was a kind of rich people, and all of them were shaking with fear.

This thing, this scene, only appeared on TV or movies!

I thought it was a breakthrough for them to see such a precious spirit tool, but now, someone has used this legendary Taoist method!

It's not the kind of trick on TV, it's not a cover up!

Because they really feel the pressure brought by the aura.

That kind of feeling, as if they are facing a giant, a giant, they are small as ants.

"Chen Feng, let's go!"

From the bottom of his heart, Tang Zhiyou looks at Chen Feng with great respect and even admiration.

But this time is not the time to worship! This is life-threatening!

CHEN Feng stood in confrontation with master Bi, but his absent-minded appearance made master Bi furious.

"Ha ha! Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, good, good! If you want to die, I'll do it for you "! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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