Tong Li was injured all over his body. It was hit by a stone. Even some white bones were clearly visible.

Everyone's back exploded in an instant, all of them took a cold breath.

"Is this martial art?"

How can one palm achieve such a terrible situation?

Even the arena was shattered!

Tong Li got up at this time. He couldn't close any pain, because in his eyes, all that remained was fear.

Yes, yes, it's fear.

He seemed to be watched by a lion and trapped in a cage. The feeling that life is not like death makes him not want to have a second time.

He tried his best to stimulate the strength of the whole body, people, when dying, will burst out more powerful potential than before he was alive, he is no exception.

He got up, turned around and headed for the entrance. Not far away was the sea. As long as he escaped to the sea, he would have a chance to return to bay island.

And then, he will definitely come back to revenge.

"Boy, I swear that this revenge will not be avenged on a gentleman! I will tear you to pieces in the future

Tong Li said this, and his figure was almost at the entrance of the venue. At this time, Qin Yinglong's face suddenly changed, and he yelled -

"Chen Feng, you can't let him go!"

His master is shaohefeng. If you let him go back, Chen Feng's life will be hard!

The Green Gang are all protectors. Isn't that the same as letting the tiger return to the mountain?


Tong Li is quick, Chen Feng is faster. He deceives himself, as fast as a tiger. He becomes a knife with one hand. When he jumps up, he cuts down at Tongli's tianlinggai.


Tongli suddenly did not move, and this crisp sound suddenly sounded in the whole venue, as if in the ear.

Tong Li's head sank in, leaving blood. He slowly turned around and looked at Chen Feng. At this time, he was really unable to escape.

Chen Feng's eyes are cold without a trace of blood, while Tong Li has no expression.

He lost. He lost completely.

He had thought that he could kill this man by practicing the highest level of virtual combination. He overestimated his own strength and underestimated the strength of the other side.

This boy is not a warrior, but his strength is comparable to that of a warrior!

"I'm convinced that I lost..." Tong Li said slowly, his eyes gradually dim.

Chen Feng took a deep breath and took back his palms. He shook his head and said, "it's not difficult to kill people. It's hard to resolve the hatred in the heart."

"I shouldn't have done it all the time, if I knew you were..."


Tong Li did not finish, and then the whole person is down, pupil lax.

Chen Feng squatted down and slowly closed Tongli's eyes. Only he and Tongli could hear the voice --

"what's the fear of death? As long as you die properly, there's no regret. You're right. I'm the master Chen."

But this secret, I'm afraid no one here knows, and Tong Li also takes Chen Feng's secret to sleep forever.

Chen Feng slowly stood up and looked at everyone. At this time, even the breath could be heard clearly in the field.

Of course, more people are shocked and pale.

A 20-year-old young man killed a disciple of the martial arts master of the overseas youth gang. This man, from the beginning to the end, was just two or three moves!

Just like the white bear who killed Russia, this young man has no emotion to kill. Like the executioner, he is clean, cold-blooded and has no emotion.

This scene is even more shocking than Tongli's murder.

No one would associate this 20-year-old with a master of martial arts, nor would anyone have imagined that a person who was just like an ordinary young man at the first moment could kill people so easily in the next second.

Chen Feng slowly walked to the middle of the field, light asked: "who else wants to challenge me?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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