After entering the Biyou Palace, Haoxu met Tongtian Patriarch.

After some greetings, Haoxu directly took out the bodies of the two dragons and said that the bodies of the dragons contained yin and yang energy, and could be used to refine a treasure.

Haoxu gave it to Tongtian Patriarch.

After looking at Haoxu thoughtfully, Tongtian Patriarch did not refuse.

He took out the Nine Dragon Cauldron and put the bodies of the two dragons into it on the spot.

After 9981 days, a powerful acquired killing treasure was refined.

After thinking for a while, he gave it to Sanxiao.

Sanxiao was naturally delighted to get the treasure, and at the same time, he liked Haoxu even more.

After Sanxiao took the Golden Dragon Shears, Tongtian waved his hand and asked Sanxiao to leave. Sanxiao took the order and left. After leaving the hall, Tongtian Patriarch and Haoxu were the only ones left in the huge Biyou Palace.

At this time, Tongtian Patriarch asked Haoxu's purpose:"I don't know why the guardian came here this time?"

"Borrow someone." Haoxu replied

"Borrowing people?"

Tongtian was very confused and didn't know what Haoxu meant.

Unlike the process of persuading Laozi, when persuading Laozi, Haoxu would not tell the real reason, but when facing Tongtian, Haoxu directly revealed his idea of recreating the Zhoutian Star Array.

Tongtian is different from other saints. He has the ambition that other saints don't have.

Otherwise, Tongtian would not have the courage to fight against four saints alone in the future.

Recreating the Zhoutian Star Array may be feared by other saints, but Tongtian is just the opposite. As the one who is most deeply involved in the formation in the prehistoric world, Tongtian deeply regrets the loss of the Zhoutian Star Array. If the Zhoutian Star Array has the opportunity to reappear in the prehistoric world, Tongtian will certainly not refuse.

Sure enough, just as Haoxu expected, after telling his purpose, Tongtian was very bold. interest.

In addition, Haoxu had saved Sanxiao’s life before, and Hongjun had said that he would ask all the saints to help the newly established Heaven. At that time, Tongtian had promised Haoxu and others that they could directly ask him for help if they had any difficulties. The straightforward Tongtian was not like other saints who said this just to shirk responsibility. This was what Tongtian thought in his heart.

Of course, the most important reason was that Haoxu’s later actions satisfied Tongtian.

At the same time, Haoxu’s identity as the guardian of Xuanmen gave Haoxu an extra bargaining chip, making Tongtian think that even if his disciples joined the Heaven, it would not be a loss of face.

After all, in Tongtian’s eyes, the Heaven at this time was worthy of the orthodoxy of Xuanmen.

Otherwise, if it was Haotian in his previous life, Tongtian would not even think about it and would directly drive Haotian out of the Biyou Palace.

For the above reasons, Tongtian just thought about it for a while and then he was happy. agreed to the purpose of Haoxu's trip.

However, Tongtian still made two requests.

First, he could let Haoxu pick people from his disciples to enter the Heavenly Court, but the prerequisite was that the people picked were willing to enter the Heavenly Court and Haoxu could not force them.

Second, he asked Haoxu to let him comprehend the River Map and Luoshu for a period of time after obtaining them.

After a brief thought, Haoxu agreed to Tongtian's two requests.

Needless to say, Tongtian's first condition was a must.

As for the second one, Haoxu believed that Tongtian was just out of his love for the formation.

Facing the existence of the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, one of the three great killing formations in the prehistoric world, he would definitely be excited to see the prey, instead of being afraid that Haoxu would use this formation to deal with him in the future, so he wanted to find out the flaws in it in advance.

With just these two simple requests, Haoxu really couldn't find any reason to refuse.


Since Tongtian agreed, the next thing is simple.

Tongtian called Sanxiao's brother, Zhao Gongming, the eldest brother of Jiejiao's outer sect, and asked Zhao Gongming to gather outer sect disciples with Taiyi Jinxian strength. Those who are willing to join the Heavenly Court can go to the Heavenly Court with Haoxu. Tongtian also stated that even if the disciples join the Heavenly Court, they are not considered to have left Jiejiao, and they can still call themselves disciples of Jiejiao.

With Tongtian's promise, Zhao Gongming called most of the Taiyi Jinxian disciples of Jiejiao. As for the small part of them, most of them did not come because of seclusion.

It is worth mentioning that because Haoxu saved Sanxiao, Haoxu has a good reputation among Jiejiao disciples. Whether it is Zhao Gongming, Duobao, Wudang and others, they are all polite to Haoxu, and they do not show any arrogance of saint disciples to outsiders.

While waiting for the outer sect disciples to gather, Haotian also had a good chat with Zhao Gongming, Duobao and others.

In such an atmosphere, Haoxu's borrowing of people went very smoothly.

After all, although Jiejiao is extremely powerful with the presence of thousands of immortals, it is precisely because of this that many disciples, apart from being able to listen to the saints' teachings and having the status of saints' disciples, do not get too many resources and are not valued by Tongtian.

Although this did not cause dissatisfaction among Jiejiao's registered disciples, they would naturally not refuse when they have the opportunity to obtain other opportunities, not to mention that joining the Heavenly Court does not count as leaving Jiejiao. Moreover,

Haoxu has been respected by Jiejiao disciples regardless of his strength and status, and they believe that it is not shameful to join Haoxu's army.

For various reasons, the vast majority of Jiejiao disciples are willing to join the Heavenly Court, which makes Haoxu fall into the trouble of happiness.

Fortunately, because Haoxu saved Sanxiao, Zhao Gongming, Sanxiao's brother, was grateful and kept instructing Haoxu, which allowed Haoxu to select 3,650 candidates with good qualifications, good fortune, and good character. In this way, Haoxu's idea of recreating the Zhoutian Star Array can be said to be ready, only the east wind is missing.

Hao Xu didn't have to wait long before the last gust of east wind blew.

After Hao Xu returned to heaven with the 3,650 Taiyi Jinxian-level Jiejiao disciples, Kong Xuan soon sent a message that he found a woman unexpectedly pregnant at Lei Ze.���With the cultivation of the quasi-saint Kong Xuan, he could sense that the child the woman was carrying was definitely not an ordinary person, so he immediately informed Hao Xu.

After receiving the news from Kong Xuan, Hao Xu immediately recalled Xuan Nu and asked her to lead the 3,650 Jiejiao disciples. He himself left the heaven and flew to Lei Ze.

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