"Everyone, let me introduce, this is Li Shao, who saved the little girl last time, and he contributed greatly." Xiang Haiyang said, facing the crowd.

Everyone looked puzzled, but nodded.

And Cai Yiyao, showing displeasure, couldn't hold back, and stared: "Director Xiang, I know you care about solving the case, but this is our internal core meeting, this Li Shao... is called Li Feng, right? He has What qualifications are there to participate!"

Hearing what she said, everyone looked at Xiang Haiyang.

Xiang Haiyang had a headache.

This Cai Yiyao is indeed outstanding in business ability, and also has a personality that is not right to people, but from the perspective of management, she is a thorn in the head, and she is very serious when it comes to things.

"That's right, this case is not the same as the previous one. Deputy Director Liang also followed the mission last time. As a result, he was seriously injured and could not leave the hospital within three months, so the heavy responsibilities of the case were also completed. Press me here." Xiang Haiyang said slowly.

Everyone nodded slightly.

Xiang Haiyang is euphemistic. In fact, everyone knows that Deputy Director Liang, who used to work with Xiang Haiyang, needed to be hospitalized for three months. Xiang Haiyang really took the power into his own hands.

"Although I rescued a little girl last time, the situation is unclear. I just found the little girl in the park. This does not prove that Li Feng has helped me." Cai Yiyao raised her chest and continued.

Everyone's faces stiffened.

Now Xiang Haiyang is in full charge of the work, and the criminal investigation and serious cases that originally belonged to Liang Ximing are also under his control. Cai Yiyao is indeed beautiful and capable, but it is really... too upright!

"sit down."

Xiang Haiyang pointed to the seat and let Li Feng sit down.


Li Feng glanced at Cai Yiyao and sat in the chair.

Tongchen and Dexuan looked at the situation, pulled up two chairs, and sat behind Li Feng.

Wang Cai jumped on the chair with a puff, his legs dangling on the outer edge of the chair, sitting like an uncle, making people speechless.

"Okay, Director Xiang thinks it's useful, so it's useful." Cai Yiyao said with a pale face.

She is the team leader of the second criminal investigation team. She was assigned to be the team leader of this task force. Now that she can't solve the case, she is also anxious to get angry.

Now, Director Xiang wants to add to the chaos, and finds these strange people.


At this moment, there was a crisp sound from the door of the conference room.

"Come in!" Xiang Haiyang said.

Seeing the voice, Li Feng turned to look over.

A bright figure came in and saluted Xiang Haiyang: "Report to Director Xiang, the investigation of the smuggling case code-named 'Vulture' has been completed, and Lin Miaozhi is back!"

Lin Miaozhi, who was wearing a brown t-shirt and casual clothes, her hair was slightly cut short and had two braids, looked young and beautiful, which made everyone in the conference room look bright.

"Haha, okay, just right, you joined the task force of the missing girl, we are short of manpower." Xiang Haiyang said with relief.

Just after Lin Miaozhi was transferred to the Tianhai City Public Security Bureau, Xiang Haiyang handed her a large-scale smuggling case across multiple cities to exercise her.

Unexpectedly, Lin Miaozhi not only has good skills, but also has good brains. She actually disguised herself as an ignorant middle school girl and got involved in a smuggling group. In the end, she cooperated with the inside and the outside to detect it in one fell swoop.

Today, she returned to the team so quickly that she didn't even have time to change her police uniform.


Lin Miaozhi saw Li Feng in the conference room, and his eyes flashed slightly.

I never expected that Li Feng would be here for such an important high-level meeting.


Li Feng put his finger to his mouth and made a silent gesture.

Lin Miaozhi nodded, did not speak to Li Feng, but brought a chair and joined the meeting.

"I would like to commend Lin Miaozhi. The mission this time was very successful. Of the 16 backbones of the smuggling gang, one did not escape, but all were caught. Among them, 6 were caught by Lin Miaozhi himself!" Xiang Haiyang said happily.

Whoa, whoa, whoa...

The audience applauded.

Lin Miaozhi was transferred from the Secret Service. It is said that he was originally a master of the Secret Service. For some reason, he took the initiative to request that he be transferred to the Public Security Bureau of Tianhai City.

But no matter what, it must be a good thing that the Tianhai City Public Security Bureau has an elite soldier.

"With Lin Miaozhi joining the task force on the girl's disappearance, I believe that Cai Yiyao's team leader is more powerful and has a little more confidence." Xiang Haiyang said again.

"That's not necessarily true." Cai Yiyao said coldly: "The strength of the Secret Service is security. What we want here is the ability to solve cases, not one dimension."

This sentence does not give Xiang Haiyang any face, nor does it give Lin Miaozhi any face.

Lin Miaozhi raised her eyebrows and looked at Cai Yiyao coldly.

I have long heard that Cai Yiyao is a flower of the Tianhai City Public Security Bureau, with rich experience and decisive actions.

A few days ago, as soon as she arrived here, she encountered a large number of male policemen, so she challenged them one by one. Among them, there are also members of Cai Yiyao's team.

Originally, the two of them would always collide, but she was transferred to jointly investigate the smuggling case with the police from other places.

Now, inevitably, it happened again.


Seeing Lin Miaozhi's stern gaze, Cai Yiyao looked at her coldly.

It is really beautiful, and the marksmanship and martial arts are also very high, but it is not enough to gain a firm foothold in the Public Security Bureau.

No matter what the background, what the origin, here, the ability to solve the case is the core ability.

When everyone saw four cold eyes meeting in the void, they really felt that the temperature in the conference room had dropped a few degrees.

Lin Miaozhi is youthful and energetic, Cai Yiyao is fierce and brave... Who is the real city bureau flower, it seems that there will be competition!

"Ah, I said."

Li Feng patted the table and interrupted the staring of the two beauties: "My opinion is, check the Xu family."

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