Heavenly Dao Civilization World.

Ye Jun was flipping through books at home, he crossed over, he didn’t know much about this world, but as he flipped through the books, he began to understand.

This is a very terrifying Heavenly Dao civilization world.

From the moment everyone approaches graduation, they will open up the world, become a heavenly way, and have infinite power.

Of course, not everyone can open up the world to succeed, and those who fail can only be pseudo-heavenly dao, serving the true heavenly way and dedicating their lives.

“Now the school is a vacation period, so that students can go home and open up the world and become the way of heaven.”

“If you want to open up the world, you need the seed of the world, but there is no insurance with the seed of the world, and the probability of failure is very high.”

Ye Jun looked at the green seeds suspended in mid-air in front of him, revealing an expectant look.

Open up the world and become the way of heaven.

I didn’t dare to think about it before, but I didn’t expect that now I have the opportunity.

The Heavenly Dao civilization world is very powerful, because becoming a Heavenly Dao is only the beginning, and all Heavenly Dao wants to be strong, towards the Dao and even higher realms.

And if you want to improve your strength, you need to fight and develop.

Because everything in the Heavenly Dao comes from its own world.

Because you have the world, you can become a heavenly way.

Therefore, the stronger the world, the higher the feedback and the faster the improvement of strength.

And the best way is to develop your own world, and then look for the unconscious heavenly devouring of other worlds, and take their devouring as your own.

In this way, you can improve your strength.


Ye Jun took a deep breath.

Picked up the seed of the world, no longer hesitated and swallowed it in one gulp.

Then he used the power of his heavenly path rules to contact the seeds of the world and open up the world in his body.

Although Ye Jun is not yet a true Heavenly Dao, he is still extraordinary, and his body is like a universe, vast and deep.

At this time.

With the seed of the world urged.

A world of nothingness began to slowly emerge and began to expand.

Opening up a world of 1,000 square kilometers can become a true heavenly path.

For the new Heavenly Dao, the bigger the world opened, the better, only in this way can the development of the world be faster, and the feedback obtained as a Heavenly Dao can be more.

And at this time.


[Hundredfold amplification system awakening.] 】

[Everything you get will be multiplied hundredfold.] 】

[You open up a world, and the world is multiplied hundredfold as a result.] 】

[You have received a reward of one million Heavenly Dao Rule powers. 】

[You have received a reward of 10,000 Heavenly Dao Origin Power. 】

A cold voice sounded in his ears.

The next moment, the world in Ye Jun’s body began to expand wildly at a faster speed.

It was not until 100,000 square kilometers that it suddenly stopped.


“One hundred thousand square kilometers, this is also too big, right? The largest world opened up by the newly promoted Heavenly Dao is only five thousand square kilometers, and I have directly doubled this twenty times. ”

Ye Jun’s eyes widened and his expression was shocked.


Taking a deep breath, although he awakened the system and was excited, Ye Jun did not hesitate, and his mind appeared in his world.

He could feel that he had 100% control of the world.

This is what it feels like to be a heavenly way.

As the world opened up successfully, he received feedback in an instant, and a force poured into his body, which was extremely comfortable.

“There are still a lot of things to be done, the world is not just carved out, it needs to be developed.”

Ye Jun took a deep breath, looked at the barren world, and slowly spoke. “My world needs light.”


The voice fell, and a sun appeared above the world.

“My world, there needs to be darkness.”

Under the earth, darkness swells, as if evil is bred.

“My world needs elements.”

Above the earth, a fresh breeze began to blow.

In countless mountain ranges, various metal ores began to be born.

In the barren world, flowers and trees began to grow, heavy rain invaded the basin, and lakes were formed.


Ye Jun looked at his own world and kept talking.

Every time a voice falls, the world changes.

Finally, it became a real world.

Flowers and trees, you name it.

“In the end, there’s a lack of life.”

Ye Jun muttered.

The mind moved.

The panel emerges.

【Name】:Ye Jun.

[Realm]: New Heavenly Dao.

[The Power of Rules]: One million.

[Origin Power]: 10,000.

The power of rules is the power that the Heavenly Dao can consume, which is equivalent to the magic power in the magician’s body, but at the same time, it is also the currency between the Heavenly Dao.

Because the power of rules can be refined into the power of the origin.

The power of the origin is very precious, it is the power of the heavenly way to improve the realm of strength, about the power of a million rules, to be able to refine the power of ten thousand.

With a hundred thousand origin power, he can be promoted to a lower-level Heavenly Dao.

Ye Jun looked at his world and slowly spoke. “My world should be named, and in the future it will be called Valoran.”


The whole world slowly shook as Ye Jun’s voice fell, carrying the rules of the Heavenly Dao contained in Ye Jun’s words.

In the future, when the creatures born in this world describe their own world, the three words Valoran will immediately appear in their minds.

“My world deserves life.”

Ye Jun spoke again and pointed out.

Life is different from others, and if you want to give birth to life in your own world, you need to consume the power of rules.

Generally, the power of the rules is no more than 100,000 in the new Heavenly Dao, so the number of lives that can be created is very rare, maybe tens of thousands, and only some primitive cells are created, and then time accelerates, allowing them to naturally develop and evolve into intelligent life.

The power of rules in the body is consumed wildly.


In the Ye Jun world.


Mountain range.



One cell after another was born, swimming in the world.

Although Ye Jun created the same primitive cells, there were many of them, and it cost him a full half a million rules.

“In the end, the world accelerated.”

Ye Jun muttered.

This is also the last step of the new Heavenly Dao, and the world accelerates.

Spend the power of rules, accelerate the time in the world, so that the creatures in the world can evolve faster, only with true intelligent life, can it be regarded as the real world.

Therefore, Ye Jun pointed out again.

The whole world began to accelerate.

In the world, countless cells have also begun their own evolutionary path.

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