Inside the chat skirt.

[Alice (renamed)]: “Although I don’t know what Lord Tiandao did, I still want to thank Lord Tiandao for saving our world @Tiandao.” ”

[Only administrator]: “??? Ms. Alice, you said that the Heavenly Dao Boss saved your world? ”

[I really don’t know Hideri Kashiwagi]: “??? What’s going on? I just finished chasing the copy, Sister Alice is really handsome, but what does it have to do with the big guy of Heavenly Dao? ”

[Alice]: “There are too many zombies in my world, everyone has to worry about the danger of zombies, and even can’t be hurt by zombies, otherwise there is a risk of being infected, so I privately asked Lord Heavenly Dao to make a move.” ”

[Joker]: “That gentleman didn’t shoot for nothing, did he?” ”

As a person who had contact with Ye Jun once, Doflamingo appeared for the first time and asked his doubts.

[Alice]: “Yes, but compared to before, at least I can accept the change now.” ”

“Hehe, Ms. Alice, you should have seen how powerful that gentleman is, right?” If you don’t mind, can you describe it? ”

[Burning Youth]: “Ah, I’m curious about what has changed in Lady Alice’s world. ”

[Alice]: “Well, I don’t know how to describe it, but you can see it for yourself, I think you are as shocked as I am, Lord Heavenly Dao is really a great existence, people worship.” ”

“Ding! Alice, a member of the skirt, uploads a copy of her memory. ”

“Ding! Alice, a member of the skirt, uploads a copy of her memory. ”

Inside the chat skirt, a prompt emerges.

Pirate World.

Without any hesitation, Doflamingo downloaded the memory copy and looked at it.

The next moment.

The surrounding scene changes, which is the memory copy function of the chat skirt, which allows the viewer to understand everything in the memory copy from the real place.

It is surrounded by ruins and wandering zombies.

Doflamingo had seen a copy of the memory of ‘Resident Evil’ before and knew something about the world, which is not surprising.

But then, Doflamingo suddenly looked in one direction, where a behemoth appeared at an unknown time, exuding an oppressive aura.

This breath made Doflamingo feel suffocated, and even… It’s like facing death.

Even the admiral of the navy headquarters, even the four emperors of the new world, even the five old things above the holy land, did not make him feel so terrifying.

This behemoth….

It seems to be able to kill him at any time.

And it was easy to kill him.

In front of this giant beast, he could not raise the slightest idea of resistance.

But right now.

The sky has changed.

In the cloudless clear sky, there was a ‘sting’, as if something had been torn and torn apart.

Doflamingo looked up, and then the expression on his face was instantly distorted, and the green tendons protruded, not angry, but shocked, so shocked that his emotions were out of control, and the muscles on his cheeks did not listen to the command.

“This… What is it? ”

Doflamingo swallowed and muttered, his voice so light that he couldn’t hear it himself.

At this moment, his gaze all fell in the sky.

The cloudless sky dome was forcibly torn open by something, like a gap, and in the gap, there was a trembling purple thunder raging.

A solid cyan hurricane smashed through, and faintly, Doflamingo saw the fierce wind engulf a planet and turn it into dust.

And the next moment.


A huge golden pupil suddenly appeared, occupying the entire gap.

When he saw this pupil, Doflamingo’s heartbeat subconsciously paused.

What a look this is.



Despise the sky.

It’s like everything, it’s just a plaything in the palm of your hand.

The moment he saw this eye, an idea came to Doflamingo’s mind.

“In front of this eye, I am just an ant, no, I should be more humble than an ant.”

The previous behemoth stared at the sky and roared at this time, as if angry.

But then, the owner of the golden eyes snorted coldly as if unimpressed, and one hand tore the gap in the sky even bigger, and then stretched out from the sky.


Doflamingo’s legs softened slightly, and he knelt down.

From the moment that hand came down, he sensed a very terrifying will descend.

In the presence of this will, he will be so.

Unable to resist.

I can’t raise the idea of resisting.


An indifferent voice sounded, resounding through the heavens and the earth.

Doflamingo clearly saw that the giant beast that had made him feel as if death had come before was grabbed and held in his hand by that huge palm and squeezed gently.

The behemoth died.

It’s very simple to die.

But it made Doflamingo feel numb in his scalp.

“This… This great power…”

Doflamingo swallowed his spit, shocked.

“Is this the Dao of Heaven?”

“Being above the gods… Heavenly Dao…”

Doflamingo murmured.

His body was trembling.

The heart is in fear.

In the past, when he saw powerful power, he would desire it and think about it.

But now, all he felt was fear.

A copy of the memory, very short and short, Doflamingo quickly read it.

I don’t even know when I left the memory copy, and I have been sitting on the sofa and falling into a loss of concentration.

In a dimly lit mansion.

It took Doflamingo an unknown amount of time to come to his senses.

In the mansion, it was very silent.

Only at this time did a voice full of expectation slowly sound.

“With this mighty existence… If I can get help from the other party, I want to become the Four Emperors, and it will be extremely easy, right? Blah blah. ”

Doflamingo’s eyes were bright, full of anticipation and excitement.

He took out a phone worm and dialed it.

“Torrepol, I’ll give you a month.”

“Gold and silver treasures, devil fruits, women, domineering, secret skills, everything, everything that can be collected, I need it.”

“Why all this? That’s not what you know right now. ”

Doflamingo had a smile on his face, he wanted to make a deal with the gentleman.

But he didn’t know what the gentleman needed, but it didn’t matter, everything was put together, even if the other party really wanted the world….

Then give it to him.

As an existence in the era of sea pirates, as an evil pirate, Doflamingo does not care about the life or death of others, as long as he is strong.

[ps: Five thousand flowers plus one more, there is still a difference of one half and six. 】

[Five hundred evaluation votes plus one change, there is still a difference of two or seven one. ] 】

[One hundred comments plus one change, there is still a gap of fifty items.] 】

[Two thousand collections plus one change, there is still a gap of thirty-nine. ] 】

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